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just wondering if its worth joining the corrado club gb was looking for some parts earlier and it wouldnt let me regiser without paying a tenner ....so was just wodering what the difference between here and ccgb was and weather it will be worth it ? :confused4:

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Hi Matey,


The reason the club website ask's you to pay is that there is a lot of members only content on the site, ie videos, technical repair guides, and other downloadable stuff too as well as back issues of the clubs Sprinter magazine.


The club forum is not as busy as the corrado forum by a long shot but we believe the 2 compliment each other well and many club members are on both sites.


If you ae looking for parts then you are already in the right place so stick up a wanted post if you haven't done so already :wink:


There are plenty of reasons to join the CCGB though so if you have any more questions let me know :wave:


Best regards.



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Main reason I'm a member of the CCGB is that I get a discount for my car issuance when I insure through Chris Knotts or Adrian Flux. I also like the Sprinter magazine that comes out twice a year.


As for members only content on the website, I personally don't think there is enough for me to attract me to the website or club forum more often. I would like to see more content like brochures and magazine articles or a least links to other Corrado related material on the web. I would also like to see the website updated more often to attract me there at least once every two or three weeks.


I do believe that the more you get involved in a club the more you get out of it but I guess that I can't complain as after being a member for over ten years I've only gone to a couple of AGMs in that time and had the car on the club stand once.

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Main reason I'm a member of the CCGB is that I get a discount for my car issuance when I insure through Chris Knotts or Adrian Flux


To be fair, you can get the same discounts by mentioning that you're a member of this forum with those companies, and many more.


The main pull that the CCGB has is to do with show-stands as far as I can make out, that and the magazine you get! A few years ago there was a forum stand at most shows of the season, whereas now they all seem to be only open to CCGB members, meaning if you want to show your car you have to join up :)


Some people like being a member of a 'club' (AGM's, titles, committees, membership packs, newsletters, trips away, etc etc) - which the forum doesn't provide and the CCGB does!

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We were talking about this at the CCGB AGM.

I think the two complement each other very well, but obviously there will be a lot of overlap!

The forum is a great place to get instant responses or discussions going, or stick things up for sale or ask for items in the wanted listings, but when it comes to events throughout the year the CCGB has public liability insurance which is essential for some venues to even accept a booking, let alone the organisation of where stands should be, how many cars etc. Having a more formal club setup with responsibilities assigned and the clubs funds to put behind and subsidise events works very well.

Personally, I think keeping interested in both means you make contact with the maximum number of Corrado and VW owners and enthusiasts, which can only help everyone.

I accept that some peoples focus on purely the aftermarket styling or tuning side may be very different to other's focus on concours and originality, but that variety only makes it more interesting for me.

sign up for both!

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If you are a true corrado enthusiast you will be in the club! £10 a year is an absolute bargain! Get signed up! :D

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haha now now lol thanks guys i dont mind coffing up anyway i have some spare cash after getting out bid on a leather interior today :( so ill be signing up anyway

cheers again

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Thats the spirit! thanks for your support in advance then sir :salute:

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Are there any definative "how to" guides on fixing sunroofs and knachored spoilers? ié the achilles heel of the corrado.


I would pay a tenner for that alone as on here there are just 100s of scattered threads where there is no final answer for either (as far as i can find) and i just gave up after and hour.

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Ok, how do I join? I've looked at the official site and the sign-up looks a bit pants and doesn't include a price.

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good point, the website register/paypal route doesn't say, but it is on the PDF app form


£10 for the year running april to april


for that you'll get access to PDF's of all the previous magazines, lots of technical articles in those, some still need scanning and putting up (eventually everything back to 1996? will be there)

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Are there any definative "how to" guides on fixing sunroofs and knachored spoilers? ié the achilles heel of the corrado.


I would pay a tenner for that alone as on here there are just 100s of scattered threads where there is no final answer for either (as far as i can find) and i just gave up after and hour.


There is definately one for the rear spoiler on there which was done last year by Mr Yandards, also a moderator on here :salute:

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Ok, how do I join? I've looked at the official site and the sign-up looks a bit pants and doesn't include a price.



The price is there buddy on the about us section :wave:

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Ok, how do I join? I've looked at the official site and the sign-up looks a bit pants and doesn't include a price.



The price is there buddy on the about us section :wave:


Sorry for calling it a bit pants :) I was having a 'moment' :D


So I just fill in the form on the register page and then do I send a cheque or do you contact me with a reference number and then I send a cheque? It's nor immediately obvious. Mind you, this is probably just to prepare you for the ongoing frustrations of Corrado ownership :D

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Ok, how do I join? I've looked at the official site and the sign-up looks a bit pants and doesn't include a price.



The price is there buddy on the about us section :wave:


Sorry for calling it a bit pants :) I was having a 'moment' :D


So I just fill in the form on the register page and then do I send a cheque or do you contact me with a reference number and then I send a cheque? It's nor immediately obvious. Mind you, this is probably just to prepare you for the ongoing frustrations of Corrado ownership :D


Yes mate just register yourself and send off the cheque straight away then your membership pack will arrive within a couple of weeks.


But while you are waiting for it to arrive you will be given full member access to the club website :clap: and if your cheque never arrives the webmaster will turn you off :lol:


very easy mate when you go to the sign up page.


Many thanks and any questions let me know. :wink:

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Any idea how long activation takes? I sent my cheque a week ago but my membership has not been activated yet. Not in a huge rush but just want to make sure some postie hasn't stolen the cheque :D

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Hi There,


Activation is normally within 28 days, this is as the membership secretary is not having to go to the po box everyday so am sure you will be active soon.


Do let me know though if it hasn't happened in a few weeks and i'll look into it.


Thanks for your support.



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Hi There,


Activation is normally within 28 days, this is as the membership secretary is not having to go to the po box everyday so am sure you will be active soon.


Do let me know though if it hasn't happened in a few weeks and i'll look into it.


Thanks for your support.




Would you mind taking a peek into it. It has been around a month now and it hasn't activated yet. Same name as here. Thanks :)

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I'll give the membership secretary a call tonight.

We are due an updated list anyday soon.


Will let you know. Thanks for being patient.

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