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How difficult is it to fix sunroof and spoiler eletcrics?

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How difficult is it to fix faulty sunroofs and spoilers?


I'm considering buying a Corrado at the moment and a lot have at least one of these faults. I'm not convinced by the ads that suggest it's 'just a fuse' or something to that effect, but just how big a job is it? How much do you thing a working sunroof and spoiler adds to the value of a car (or conversely how much less would an otherwise mint car with these not working be worth?)





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Never had spoiler issues so can't comment but the sunroof is generally never a fuse- its a big job requiring removal of the headlining and quite a technical rebuild of the sunroof cartridge-its actually easier to replace the whole cartridge with a known good one but even thats not a simple job (just going through the pain of this now :( )



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Not the easiest jobs in the world but nothing to stop you driving the price down if you're confident about taking the jobs on yourself.


The search will tell you all you need to know:




Pick keywords using a + in front of each on.

Look only in Exterior and Interior forums (sunroof sometimes hits both interior and exterior forums).

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