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Thoughts on colour changed Corrado's

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Hi guys


I fancied gauging peoples thoughts on Corrado's that have had a colour change? Especially when it came to resale time, not that I'm looking to sell.


My C started life as Moonlight Blue and at some point has been painted Mystic Blue, very well done as well. No paint lines visible anywhere. Its starting to get a few stone chips as per usual and in the future I would like to freshen it up with a re-spray. I love Mystic Blue and would keep it this colour, would the re-sale in the distant future be hit because of this change or would it not bother people much due to the overall good condition of the car?

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I think it's a personal choice really, and different for each car also.


For me, if I was looking to buy and the seller is clearly an enthusiast with receipts for the work, obvious good job and all that, then it wouldn't bother me. On the other hand (not that I would) if it was a chavvy seller hiding damage or badly done respray then I'd stay well away.

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I think if you cant see the old colour anywhere, and its been repainted a factory colour - which is not that different anyway - then it wouldnt make any difference to the value of the car. (unless you try and pass it off as a storm, in which case maybe it will go up ;) )

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