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g60 sticking revs, why?

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Our Corrado has just had its charger rebuilt, new waterpump and a few other bits and pieces.


The problem is, now the revs are sticking when at idle, when you drop the clutch to stop, the revs seem to stick at 1500 rpm or thereabouts. It doesnt do it all the time, other times the revs drop to 800 rpm no problem.

It didnt do this before the charger was off, but I dont see how this can affect it.


Any ideas? Might it be an idea to re-set the idle speed, if so, how do I do that?



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Has the throttle cable been changed at all or moved?


As when I changed mine I noticed that on the inside of the cabin were it goes through the bulk head the plastic bits on the cable and the plug would catch and stop the throttle returing to the idle position.


Might be worth checking :shrug:

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could be it dude. turn the mechanism by hand as your throttle cable would a few times.


youll see if it sticks. if it does just knock the clip back one and repeat until it stops.

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also check for a build up of crud under the throttle arm (the bit that swings and is pulled by the throttle cable on the engine!)... this can mean that the throttle sticks instead of returning to it's idle position...


I had this on my G60 which was a bit scary when it stuck at 3,500rpm while giving my dad a demo-run in her just after she'd been mapped! :shock: quick spray with some carb cleaner to get the crud off and all was fine once again! :lol:

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right then, just had a text from the mrs (its her car afterall), and apparently, it was stuck at 2500 rpm on her way to school this morning (she's a teacher, Im not a perv :shock: )


will have a play tomorrow then


mimjed, the clip you mean, is that the small one that goes into the grooves on the throttle cable?


just strange that is doesnt do it all the time :cuckoo:

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yeah thats the one i mean.


butterfly in the throttle body worth looking at too.

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