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Cleaning coolant from carpets and upholstery

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I'm at my wits end - after an especially serious heater matrix snafu last year coolant got into my carpets, seats etc, and despite heater matrix being replaced and no new coolant leaking anywhere, there seems to be considerable traces of it still in my heater ducts, carpets and seats. The carpets and seat foam feels greasy / oily to touch and after a 4 hour drive yesterday i could taste the sweet flavour of G12 on my lips. Not good. Plus my iphone was clearly sporting an oily rainbow pattern. I have tried the vax on my seats a couple of weeks ago, but it did nothing to break down the oily stuf or clean the foam and just left them with water marks.


What do I need / who do I need to get everything clean? I'm worried anbout the effect on my health of this stuff - I had a blinding headache after the drive and numb face!





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I would strip the lot out, steam clean and refit.


If it's such an amount to leave a film on the screen of your phone, and for you to taste it on your lips?!


Jeez that mustve been some matrix failure!! :shock:

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