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Thermostat 1.8 16v

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think ive got a problem withmy thermostat, bought a new one and tried fitting it but fail epicly as i dont know where it goes, found a thread on here sais its 2 bolts etc....


Could somone pleae give me a dumbies guide to changing it as i fully dont have a clue what im suposed to be doing.


anyone got haynes pages on it or any pictures of were it is as i want to drive my car.


would be much appreciated, thanks alot Aidan

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It's located beneath the water pump, you'll find a plastic housing for it which is held in place by 2 bolts. The water housing sits above the power steering pump and sort of below the alternator. You will have to disconnect the PAS pump and swing it out of the way in order to gain access though, once done you can see the housing bolts if you look from underneath the car. I did this the other week and found that removing the alternator helped a bit too.


Sorry for the bad pic, don't really have anything specific but i've circled where it is located. Good luck!

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here's the pump itself, you do need to remove the PAS pump and brackets to get onto the bolts to remove the plastic flange that the bottom radiator hose connects to, the thermostat is under that in the base of the pump.

The heavy cast bracket that the alternator mounts on only needs to be removed itself if you want to change the whole pump, but removing the alternator definately makes it easier to get to the pump, it's much much easier to fit a thermostat with the pump off the car though as otherwise the o-ring on the water flange drops out and drives you :nuts:



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Sound for that, thats where i figured it was tbh jsut didnt want to go taking things out that i didnt know what they were, i undid something that a couple of drops of oil came off which may have been the PAS but im not exactally sure, did it up again and came to ask on here....


Ill go have a go at it now, see where i get too...


is it behind were the pipe coming from the bottom of the radiator, if so i think i know what i need to remove to access it.


Sorry im usless but tbh, my old cars were mk1/2's and their pretty damn easy compared, plus the fact i know naff all about cars other than i like them fast, low, wide and vw.


Cheers for that also btw, now time to get rained on.

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When doing this, theres a mount which holds the PAS Pump on and its mounted onto 2 bolts which i think are on the engine block, i snapped one off and also snapped the bolt which hols it in like a alternator (Sorry i dont know what this part is) aha


But yea, i snaped a bit on the PAS pump were the bolts go into, snapped the mount off the engine block (I think) and now im wandering if this is fine to drive around like or it canncause problems as tbh i asume that means theres no way of fabricating anything onto it etc....


And how do i find out part numbers for bolts?


One was a long one which bolted into the top of the PAS pump and the others are underneath, one bit one and one smaller one, i snapped the bit the bigger one goes into which will mean there half the aount of mounts holding it up, id imagine this isnt too clever...


I dont understand why old cars hate me so much...

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im also over heating but it seems to take a wee bit to get to temp, when it starts heating up it goes up pretty fast especially in traffic... and then its time to get sweaty with all the heating on n that bricking it that my cars going to pop.


I noticed this the other day wehn it was a little over tempricher and then its done it since, pulled up with my mate sat for about 2 mins after stopping and there was a pop, the pipe going from the radiator to the top of the engine had burst (Lost of brown water/mist) then i bodged one of the pipes off my mk1 golf which had poped on my mk1 when it over heated and it damaged the piston rings radiator poped and the pipe from it and there was some warping on the engine so im pretty paranoid about it doing this on me again. I cant afford it and its pissing me off.


Help me please cus im missing driving alot at the moment b roads are calling and summer is on its way and i want my car working ....


Ive also got it running 5w 40 oil cus i didnt have 10w 40 but ive been told its fine...


Thanks again Aidan

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Firstly, presuming you are running a separate belt for the PAS pump, check the tension is ok and that it is turning straight when the engine is running and you might be okay for a bit, although i'd go a scrappy and get a new bracket and tension arm (i took mine from a passat).


As for the blown radiator hose, it could be a number of things.


- Are you overheating all the time, like when going 30mph, or when you are sat idle? If at idle, it could be the fan/switch

- When up to temperature, is the top hose hot and the bottom hose cold? If so, could be a blockage or air lock

- When you start the car, does the top radiator hose pressurise almost straight away? If so, it might be the HG?


You may have an air lock or blockage in the rad. You also mention brown coolant, so if i were you i'd flush all of the coolant and re-fill it, making sure to get all of the air out (fill up with the cap off and keep squeezing the hoses until it gets up to temp). Did you manage to replace the thermostat?


The main man to ask is davidwort though, he's the king of 16v 8)

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all those bits are common with the mk2 golf with PAS and the passat up to about 1992 (all 1.6-2L 8v and 16v cars) so you should be able to find second hand bits, a good vw parts dept will be able to look up the brackets and bolts and order you the right bolts, all they need is your reg no.


just pipped me to it banan0r :lol:

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Yea did the thermostat was alright minus the getting soaked.

It takes a little time to get to temp then speedily goes to like 110, then i stopdriving it.


Pipe from radiator is pretty hot and fans seem to be mashing out not coming on when their suposed too etc, also by the fuse box ive got a plug which is connected to noothing (Yellow/blue grey/brown) not sure whatits for....


Could it be my water pump as it doesnt seem to eb squirting any into the little coolant resovoir (Round thing you put the water in)


Sorry im not very talented with cars, i jsut try my best aha.


cheers lads

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