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Opinions on police fine please ...

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Me and my girlfriend recently bought a VW Polo to break for parts for her Polo, koilovers, BBS wheels, lights etc ...


The car was completely road legal except the front number plate had fallen off, so we put it on display on the dash for the journey home (30 minute drive).


Less than a mile away from home, two coppers pulled us over ... for 'speeding' ... So they 'did us a favor' by not fining us with points (But really they had fuck all proof that we were speeding) ... and fined us £60 for the number plate being on display on the dash.


I explained to them that we were taking the car 2 minutes down the road and that's where it would stay, it was being declared sorn and broken for parts then scrapped. I explained the number plate had fallen off and we had nothing to stick it back on with ... Fuckers still fined us ...


So ... how, if possible, do i go about appealing this and whats the chances of winning?


Advice would be much appreciated, cheers

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They are applying the letter of law, would have been nice of them to be lenient but if they have fined you then you would be wasting time and money in appealling it. The fact that the numberplate was only going to be in the windscreen for a few miles is irrelevant

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So when you test drive a new car ... and the license plates are displayed in the windows ... how do they get away with that?! Shouldn't it be the same for everyone?

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I dont know about the guys test driving with the number plates in the car, but just to point out that its not the same for everyone.


Taxi driverts are allowed to drive around without a seatbelt on and they dont get done for it, we're not allowed to drive around without a seatbelt. There is always some exception to some rule...

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I explained to them that we were taking the car 2 minutes down the road and that's where it would stay, it was being declared sorn and broken for parts then scrapped. I explained the number plate had fallen off and we had nothing to stick it back on with ... **** still fined us ...


Just think of how many times they have heard something similar depsite it being true in this case. It is fairly petty by them but as said they are just applying the letter of the law. In that case there sod all you can do.

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So when you test drive a new car ... and the license plates are displayed in the windows ... how do they get away with that?! Shouldn't it be the same for everyone?


Are you refering to trade plates? I believe that they only have to make them visable somewhere on the car but you may be right and they should be attached ????

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im not sure there is anything you can do

but you do have every right to plead your case, and if you do try and take it to court they may just let you off with it as its a waste of time for something so petty, as the officers would have to turn up to court to explain


but for me why the police carnt use a little common sence, i know if the police didnt do it this way then every1 would do it but, if the plates in full view in the window and you havnt been pulled for it before and your not taking the piss, then why they carnt tell you to sort it out asap and if your pulled again for the same thing you will get a fine then wheres the problem, or just give you a producer :shrug:


but for £60 is it worth the hastle? if so then have a pop down your local station and see what you can do, im sure its a small crimes court thing but if you loose you may have more than £60 to pay

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It was fairly harsh on you but I'm sure that the Police would say that they get loads of excuses like that when they stop people.


In terms of the law they're entitled to levy a FPN on you. The only 'opinion' I can offer (which won't help you in this case but may assist others) is that your mistake may have been to move the Polo at the end of the month. I've heard it said a few times that is a harsh time for motorists, as targets have to be met... you may have made a difference to the officer's 2010 bonus chances.


Sorry that's not particularly helpful, but you did ask for opinions. :cuckoo:


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At the end of the day, they've pulled you for speeding (which although they have no proof of, they were sure enough to stop you). They haven't fined you for that (as they have no proof). The fact you didn't have a number plate properly displayed EITHER has counted against you further. Its all about the Police forming a picture about people, speeding.....no number plate....lets pull it.

I think you got off lightly, you knew you shouldn't do it but you took the risk, and got caught. Just pay the fine, you had no number plate displayed correctly, the police will have a field day. I'm sure they've heard a million people who say its just happened but have been driving round for months like it. Why should you be treated differently.

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So ... how, if possible, do i go about appealing ...


What are you appealing against? You know the law (or at least you should), and you've choosen to break it! Deal with it!


What's that old saying? "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."



Speeding though a town with missing number plate? If it was upto me you would get banned!

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So ... how, if possible, do i go about appealing ...


What are you appealing against? You know the law (or at least you should), and you've choosen to break it! Deal with it!


What's that old saying? "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."



Speeding though a town with missing number plate? If it was upto me you would get banned!



Have you always been a shit or is this an exception? ...


For one, I wasn't speeding through town with a missing number plate ... I was doing maybe 50 on a 40 limit quiet country road with the number plate in full view on the dash ... I had nothing to stick the number plate on with, it had fallen off ... As for being banned, it's people like you that make driving in this country what it is.


I just wanted to know if there was any loop hole with displaying the license plate but obviously not, thanks to all those with genuine helpful comments. I won't waste my time appealing, thought there might be someone out there that had experienced this too.

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It seems like they have done you a favour then, if they let you off 50 in a 40.


It could have been worst, and extra £60 and 3 points worst

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It seems like they have done you a favour then, if they let you off 50 in a 40.


It could have been worst, and extra £60 and 3 points worst


Got to agree. I got pulled doing a similar speed and let off, but the copper was more annoyed that my observation hadn't made me see him. He was a decent guy and I fully admitted being over the limit and knowing what speed I was doing. Taught me a lesson anyway - if you are going to try your luck and nudge over the speed limit, keep your eyes peeled.


As for the number plate, it is bad luck but as someone said above, they were going to fine you one way or another if they didn't have evidence of you speeding. Probably lucky they didn't check all the tyre treads, pressures etc etc as well!


Either way, if you are going to break the Polo, you'll make back your £60 so put it down to experience and move on.

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As for the number plate, it is bad luck but as someone said above, they were going to fine you one way or another if they didn't have evidence of you speeding. Probably lucky they didn't check all the tyre treads, pressures etc etc as well!


My thoughts exactly, they had no idea what speed I was doing ... (as they were actually driving the other way, and turned round to stop me) ... they just wanted to fine me and as someone said above, probably add to their 2010 bonus!!


But yeah, will put it down to experience and move on ... with a grudge :censored: :censored:

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For one, I wasn't speeding through town with a missing number plate ... I was doing maybe 50 on a 40 limit quiet country road with the number plate in full view on the dash




"I wasn't speeding, I was doing 50 in a 40."

"I didn't have a missing number plate, it was on the dash."


Come on chap.


You were obviously unlucky, I'm not saying for one minute I'd have done anything differently. But....you were in the wrong. As you say, take the hit and move on :tongue:

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For one, I wasn't speeding through town with a missing number plate ... I was doing maybe 50 on a 40 limit quiet country road with the number plate in full view on the dash




"I wasn't speeding, I was doing 50 in a 40."

"I didn't have a missing number plate, it was on the dash."


Come on chap.


You were obviously unlucky, I'm not saying for one minute I'd have done anything differently. But....you were in the wrong. As you say, take the hit and move on :tongue:


I meant 'wasn't speeding through town' like peppyuk was suggesting ... I wasn't being reckless endangering people ... I was out int cuntree like ...


and the number plate wasn't missing! It was on my dash!! I just don't know what else you can do in that situation?!! How do I fix a number plate to a car when I have nothing to do it with?! Do i get out and walk home? ... or would I then be fined for leaving a car on the road without a license plate? ...


If a number plate is visible, then it should in circumstances like that be legal ... bikes don't even have one! How often is your front license plate needed? ... speed cameras that are set up in front of the vehicle ... takes a snap shot, the license plate would be visible ... can't think of many more?


Just another excuse to take money from me, if I wasn't forking out enough to this corrupt government already!


I'll take the hit because there is no other way unfortunately, just pisses me off ... :brickwall:

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