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Rear Wiper how to remove????

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hi has anyone done this mod? did you just remove the wiper cover up the hole and keep the motor in place or did you remove the lot? will this affect the mot? and how easy is it to do-any tips?


cheers Fraser

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I have seen this mod done a few times and I may do this in the summer but have just made a rear aero-style (lupo) wiper arm for it.


I think you could maybe leave the motor in place as its not direct drive and just remove the mech with the spindle attached but if your doing it permenently then you may as well remove the motor...


I never really use my back wiper anyway as the C doesn't tend to suffer the same as the mk2 in terms of road dirt getting kicked up onto it.


You just need to get a rubber grommet to cover the hole, it will look fine, filling is not really recomended as it is so close to the rear screen seal.


As for the MOT, it should be fine if the hole is covered as it is not compulsory to have a rear wiper but if one is there they check it, I would hang onto the parts anyway just incase!

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Thats what i was thinking exactly.was also wondering about the washer/jets. do plug the hole or what?incase i accidentally hit the arm when arsing around in the car.


cheers Fraser

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I've taken mine out and it's a piece o' pi$$! Removed the whole lot and bunged up the washer hose with a self tapping screw. Covered hole with a rubber grommit and looks much cleaner IMHO. Passed it's MOT with flying colours last week too 8)

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I use my rear wiper every time I drive the car (especially with all this rain), I dunno how people can cope without it, maybe my VR is a different shape to everyone elses

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Cheers guys.im going to be doing this soon as the rain begins to ease off. Where did you get the grommet from Biggrim?Oichan,what bit of the interior is the grommet you used off? ps-iv got a vid clip of your car taking off down a stretch off road-very impressive.



Cheers Fraser

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It was already done on mine when I bought it but when Danger Mouse bought his it was one of the first things he asked me to do. Had another one lying around for his though. I'd imagine a plumbing store or electrilcal supply store would have them to buy. Hope this helps mate and if you need any help you know where to find me 8)

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