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is my car overpriced!!??!? be honest !

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hi guys,

as some of you know my corrado has been for sale for a little while now,i have had lots of e mails but everyone who seems interested live hundreds of miles away and dont seem to want to make the journeys??

its a 95 m reg 63k

2.0 8v auto economical!!!!


cambelt etc etc ...... ( its in the for sale section )

i have put it up for £2400 but is this too expensive??? i have searched other websites/autotrader and they varie so much.some are way more expensive with loads more miles on them :confused4: just wondered what you guys thought a realistic price would be, before i think about advertising on a few more places. i cant help but think if those people were genuinely interested they would make the journey to view the car? .... or is it because its auto??.... or overpriced?? :shrug: cheers guys.

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I think the car and price sound quite good but the problem you will have is that you need someone specifically looking for an 8v auto. That might sound obvious but most people with a budget of £2.5k, for example, will be thinking of getting the fastest thing possible for that budget, which unfortunately for you, includes the VR and G60.


So you need someone shopping for something cheaper to run i.e. the 8v that also likes the auto. It's not impossible and I think you'll get close to your money but, as you're finding, it just might take a while.

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cheap car that.


but people do tend to look for a vr or g60


Like me!!!!

they do, but when you look around the vr6's and g60's for the same money or more,have done plenty more miles.i bought this one of mine purely as a stepping stone but the mpg is so good i couldnt beleive it!! but now as i have started new job, she has to go :( :(

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We were one of the rare breed who wanted an auto Corrado. I knew the 8v existed but knew how rare they were and didn’t really look for one tbh, we just looked for a VR. Having heard how economical the 8v is now I may have been tempted. As said your appealing to a very limited market for a car such as that, if you are in no rush to sell I would hang on, you’ll find your buyer eventually.

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As said above, good price just very limited market


I'd be looking at getting it listed on more classic websites, as it's low milage and I'd imagine a farily relaxed drive

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Its a shame as its a better looking car but how does it compare to a 60k ish 8v mk3 gti? cos that surely is the closest rival in the vw classifieds, i thought last time i looked they were going for significantly less that 2.5k?


one thing to bear in mind is that some corrado parts are a lot more expensive to replace and although you can get parts off broken and scrapped cars you need a buyer whos an enthusiast to do that!

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Personally I think it's too much, you might be lucky, and clean Corrado's are getting much harder to find, but it is 20 years old despite the mileage and an auto box on a 4 cylinder especially is not really what the Corrado is about to most people.

Perhaps values have improved recently, but I've known a few people buy tidy 8v's for a grand less than that, albeit with mileages nearer 100K. There are a number of dealers trying to sell Corrrados for silly money and a lot of decent ones going privately very cheaply so I can see how confusing pricing is at the moment.

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Basically i think that you've got the least desirable Corrado there so trying to sell it is going to be difficult. Thats my honest opinion as you asked. :lol:

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You have a couple of things to your disadvantage.

You are at the edge of the country so have a much reduced area in which people live within a short travelling distance. Anyone unsure of whether to look will be put off with the thought of the journey.


The 8v is not the most desirable of engines, especially to the younger market who think they can afford a Corrado 'cause VRs can be had for £2.5k ish now. (Little realising insurance will cripple them and a £2.5k VR will need loads spent on it very soon).


The auto box makes it even less desirable for those that want a C so they can go out and give it a good thrashing.


But if you want a Corrado and want an economical, low milage, automatic one this is just what you are looking for.


As said, it's a specialist buyer you are waiting for and if you can afford to hang on to it one might come along. If you really want it gone I think you realise you will have to drop the price some.


For added info I bought a replacement 8v last Dec for my 'broken' one and paid £800 less than your latest price but my 'new' one has 140k miles. (And I've got a sticking caliper to sort out so am looking to spend a few £100's on refurbing the whole brake set up).

With a few others around at the time I doubt I would have travelled so far to look at yours at that price and if it was for sale in Nov/Dec 2009 I definiately didn't even give it a second glance.

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its a bit red too ;)


it depends how quickly it has to go. your ad sounds like you're a bit desperate. if you are then it needs to be less than 2k, if you're not then just keep waiting.

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I have seen Warrens C, it is very clean tidy example, but i must say i would not pay that much for it. I agree with whats been said already, but saying that its only worth what the person buying thinks it worth..

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thanks for the comments/advice guys, i got a call from a guy late last night who seems very interested viewing the car later today so fingers crossed!!! have also seen a Kreg aqua G60 i quite fancy, but not so sure the other half will let me :censored: as the reason im selling mine is because its not being used!! anyway will let you know how i get on with the sale!!!

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congratulations! nothing like some pessimistic comment to force someone to prove most of us wrong!

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Nice one.

I stand by my comment that anyone not sure would be put of travelling... not that I know how far the buyer came from but anyone willing to actualy get up and go and see a car must be pretty serious.


I hope you pointed them in the direction of the forum (and club!) :wink:

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