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Upgrading from Cat 2

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Thinking about upgrading to a full cat 1 alarm system for my car. Can any of you guys give me an idea about how much more discount I am likely to get of my insurance. I live in a very low post code insurance area, but I want the keyless joy of opening my car cos i'm lazy. But I can only really justify the £180 to upgrade from just having an immobiliser if I am going to save a substantial amount of my insurance. I currently pay ~£1000 for fully comp. I've had quotes at around 700 quid when I need to renew it in April with just my cat 2 immobiliser.





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You'll get practically no more discount on your insurance for upgrading to a CAT1 from a CAT2 with most companies. :| You will, however, get the peace of mind that if some little oik tries to take your car, it'll make a loud noise that should scare 'em or alert you to what's happening, and you can have the keyless entry that you want... 8)


The only thing that'll add a reasonable sized discount is to fit a CAT Q tracking device such as a Tracker or similar...

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Simon, Like Henny says most Insurance companoies are only looking for a CAT2 immobiliser. Fitting a remote alarm, 2-1 upgrade is unlikely to gain you any extra discount at all.

You should be able to get a remote locking alarm fitted for less than £180. I would certainly sort you out, if were not such a long way to Lockerbie.


Personally take the quote of 700 quid and get a cheap 'Quality' alarm fitted.



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Cheers for that guys. I have pretty much given up on the idea. I would rather put the money towards other things.

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