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Diesel Junior

How to make a grown man cry......

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Hi everyone, have a look at the attached pics and.....spot the difference. All courtesy of a Benidorm bus driver who reversed 4m into my VR6. I dont know if we have any insurance bods on board but any advice would be very welcome as i assure you, i am suffering right now. The bus company accept the rap but the problem is that the assesor is going to write my pride and joy off as in the words of the Insurance Co 'its only a 16 year old German car......'. At minimum the damage is a new bonnet, bumper, brace between the two and we are talking €3.000 minimum. Of course the market value of the car is nearer €7.000 (they are more expensive over here......) but the 'book' price will be somewhat different as we all know. Without wanting to sound like Thatcher at the mo i want to fight on and fight to win and i just cant see myself accepting a write off not least as the insurers will have the leather interior and wheels and 75.000 mile engine on eBay faster than Usain Bolt shifts. If i reject their 'offer' what happens next? Do they give me some money and i get on and repair it (no doubt with a healthy top up from my own depleting coffers........). Anyway, any advice appreciated, thanks. This link is sponsored by Andrex.......

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Hi Mate HTH,


If they make you an offer and you reject it you need to provide examples of why you know your C is worth more. The best one is to get advisertisements from auto-trader, the forum and PH. They should offer you Mid-Book value which is basically Retail/Private price plus the Trade price diveded by 2. Anything around that mark is a sutable offer and your insurer will probably stick by it.


I manged to get my offer for my valver up from £550 to £1200. And i kept the salvage.


If theres anything your uncertain with you can PM and i will try and give some helpfull advice

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i had my Golf written off (twice - no $hit!). They wanted to right it off, which they did but as a CATD so i purchased it back and had it repaired. I think that as long as it is not CAT A or B then you should have the opportunity to purchase the vehicle back from the insurance company and put it back on the road (subject to further testing / passing MOT etc).


Obviously the hard thing is agreeing the vaule of the car with the insurance company. I had an independant VW specialists send me a cover letter stating that my car was rare and a collectors car (which it kinda was being a Monza Blue 16v)... sent it to them with some other autotrader ads and they eventually paid out what i considered was a fair price.


Good luck fella, trust me i am still gutted about my car which lives in scrapyard heaven after it got written off the second time by a taxi driver who didnt realise the middle pedal is used to brake :cry:

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if someone else has caused the damage to your car cant you tellthem you want it fixing and have it done? obviously unless its totally smashed, but i thought if your claiming off their insurance you can demand a repair?

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Thats what i am going to ask! The ass-essor comes tomorrow, and this being Spain its odds on he will write it off as the book value here is about €3k but then so is the damage. Its a throw-away society as we all know, but as long as the damage is cosmetic already a battle plan is being lined up. Some amigos from the Spanish corrado club came to see/console me last night and we all reckon that the chassis and the subframe are ok and its a matter of the front bumper, bonnet and what we call here a 'frontal' which is the horizontal metal structure that holds the headlamps, grille etc in place. BTW, what is this called in English? Does anyone have the ETKA number for this? So long as this is the case then its off to the scrapyard mis amigos and i reckon i can get these three for about €500 all in, €500 of respray and an afternoon of work followed by a 3 year wait for Allianz in Barcelona to cough up the grand.....Failure is not an option! One other thing, there is a consensus here that the bumper can be repaired, as you can see from the pic the exhaust went thru and melted a hole into it but any advice would be appreciated. OK will take it to VW in Benidrom mañana and maybe leave €50 in a brown envelope for the assesor :shrug:

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Think the bit with the lights in is called the slam panel over here.


Numpty bus driver!


Hope you get this sorted



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well the assessor came yesterday and after 30 mins of photography left not a clue as to his opinion.....one thing though, VW quote €900 etc for a bonnet, surely the insurance companies dont pay these prices do they? I know i am clutching at straws, get the price down in my head, VR6 back on the road and complete......

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hey I may be late but in s-pain, in your case (as the bus driver accepted their responsability), their insurance MUST pay to you, whatever it costs for you to repair the car. They'll try to convince you that it has to be written off, they'll eventually call you to say "our last offer is XXX, take it or leave it!!".....



it's happened a lot of times, I've read it in many forums, that if you keep fighting then you'll get your car back as it was before the accident.



btw are you actually living in barcelona? :o

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If you can ask for a cash in Lieu settlement, basicly get all the pics you can of the car looking stunning along with links to VR's for sale out there (only the mint expensive ones ;-)


Now price up the parts you need 2nd hand and speak to a local garage about fitting, or you could swap the entire front end on your drive, price up a front end respray + a bit for yourself and send the figure you come to, with the pics and ensure they DO NOT write off your car! Dont give in keep fighting and you will get it sorted, hope this helps!





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WELL THE ASS-ESSOR HAS SPOKEN..............and his valuation of my car is a thumping €700. Yep, €700........Failure is not an option mis amigos......OK, well the situation is that i have left Alicante to work in the UK till autumn so the rush factor has gone and i can start sending pics of my car, daily, to Allianz in Barcelona.......meanwhile the good people at the Spanish Corrado forum tipped me off about a RHD VR6 at a breakers 30 mins from my house, you wont be surprised to hear that the bonnet, slam panel and 'travieso' (the iron bar behind the bumper....) have now been taken!!! All in all i did a good deal and got the three for just under €150. As for the bumper, the general consensus is that it can be repaired, just as well as the VR6's bumper in the yard was awful.......Plan is for the car to be taken to the body shop in July and will be back better than ever for my return!!! :D In the meantime i will try and get the best price possible from the insurance 'experts'.........

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Good Luck with this.


Was I the only one to notice the 'sponsered by Andrex'


Have you asked them ???? !!!! :lol:

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Thats seems to have slipped my mind, but given the emotive subject it is understandable.....one of the issues is that in España the Corrado is not classed as a classic car :censored: however moves are underway to change this so that when renewal time comes around (should be interesting......) i can get an insured minimum value on the car, the €700 valuation speaks volumes of the knowledge of the perito/assesor, if only i knew the spanish for numpty...... :help:

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