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new corrado, problems already, HELP!

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Hey guys i bought a VR6 on monday and its great but theirs one or two thing im worried about, could anyone help please?


1st the tracking, it pulls to the left a bit so took it to get tracking done but they said because its been lowered they cant do it, i asked to have a go anyway just to at least make it drive strait, 40 mins later and nothing so i drove it away still pulling to the left,


also yesterday morning i started the car let it warm up for two mins but then it wouldnt go into gear, any gear! but then it slammed into revurse with a big crunch!! then it was stuck there, so i swiched off the engine and it came out of gear, put it in 1st started the engine and with my foot fully on the clutch pedel the car was creeping forward?? it had a new clutch not long ago. it stoped after i took out of gear and put back in again,


and lastly started her up yesterday afternoon after a 5 mile drive and she would rev up and cut out strait away, did this for a while then i keped it reving above 3000 rpm and drove down the road, got to a junction had to brake and it cut out again, started up again drove down the road got to another junction and she was fine!


any idea what this might be and how i go abouth the tracking?

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You need to go to a garage that has the equipment to track lowered cars, some places the tracking gauges wont go over the wheel rim when the car is lowered.

As for your gear problems, it sounds like a leaking clutch slave cylinder to me, try pumping the pedal a few times before engaging a gear if it wont allow you to select a gear next time, slamming it into gear when it clearly doesnt want to is not a good idea either, your going to break something doing that.

As for the idle messing around, first step is clean the ISV out, do a search on here.

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hi guy,


got another question for you about my vr, i got in it the other day and the clock and tripometer had reset itself, like the battery had been disconnected or something even tho i havent disconnected it or messed with any wires, any idea why this would happen? also the ABS light is satrting to stay on sometimes now, it will go out wen i start the car but then i will just randomly come on as im driving????


and the thing bugging me most is flat spots as i put my foot down, it will seem very dull and non responsive at curtain points through the rev range???

any help would be great guys.

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For the pulling to the left i'd recommend 4 wheel alignment, when the car is lowered the suspension leg has to come off, the toe and camber are all over the place, IIRC the tracking only does side to side movement and they only adjust the track rod end.

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As for the flat spots, you need to get the put car on VAGCOM, you could be chasing your arse for ages swapping bits over otherwise.

ABS light coming on whilst driving is more than likely an intermitent abs wheel speed sensor fault.

Gauges reseting is a bit strange, poor earth to the gauges unless you mean the trip time and mileage had reset??, they do that in position 1 after a few hours of use, if you mean the actual clock itself then something is wrong with the dash cluster, an earth or your battery.

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