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Old Top Gear G60 review

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This is probably a re-post but I think it’s brilliant! Can’t imagine driving like that on public roads though.


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Yep - it's been reposted more times than I care to mention. Thanks to a kindly forum member, I was the person who ripped it from a VHS tape, smuggled out of the tape archives at BBC Pebble Mill :) So every single version of that video comes from the rip I originally did!


This was a fair few years ago too :)

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Yep - it's been reposted more times than I care to mention. Thanks to a kindly forum member, I was the person who ripped it from a VHS tape, smuggled out of the tape archives at BBC Pebble Mill :) So every single version of that video comes from the rip I originally did!


This was a fair few years ago too :)


And I am the old bugger who remembered watching the original episode when it first aired and asked the question here on the forum which led to it being found.


Good team work Jim :lol:

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Good point! I'd forgotten that! I remember Blue_Joe sorting out the video though! :)

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