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gti international..

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hello have the corrado.net benn "invited" to gti international this year ? i know crazy isnt it but you need to be invited to have a club stand this yr and only for 5 cars to !! we are considering going to europe instead what are you views on it guys ? having a club line up of what ?????

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I'm annoyed as hell about it... Dubforce has been invited, and they're only a couple of months old, yet a forum with 1000+ members with some of the best cars in the country hasn't been... utter madness.... :mad:


I really do think that the organisers haven't got a clue what the people want, which tends to be to see some top class cars displayed... not half a dozen stands of 5 cars... How do you invite 5 people from a forum of 1000+ people!?!? According to one guy I spoke to, the plots aren't even big enough to get 5 cars on anyway! :roll: :|


I'm tempted to say "sod it" and go to the european 'rado/'rocco one the weekend after instead... :wink: :p which is a shame 'cos Inters was going to be the show where I really tried to get my 'rado looking spot on to show it properly... :roll:

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imho the only way to get it back to a peoples show like the european ones is to boycot it ...!!!1 shame but i think the organisers are just thinking to much about lining there pockets now days.... e38 was a much better show imho more like the euro ones more friendly and not just about making loads of money...

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We were talking about this at our local club GTi meet tonite, basically it sounds like a complete balls up on club GTi's part, there charging the traders so much that several have pulled out so don't expect to pick up many bargains!


The reason for the 5 cars per stand is apparently because they didn't like the fact that last year people parked there cars on the stands and went to look around the show!! (what were we meant to do!) - we've all got to park somewhere anyway and theres more than enough room!


Most of this was caused be Club GTi's 'security' fat fuker 'Colin' who anyone who has had a run in with him before will know the bloke is a complete and utter cockmuncher! - He had a meeting with Suffolk Police about the event and has encouraged tham to set up a few speed cameras to keep them happy and make a bit of money out of us - you have been warned!


All in all, the hosts of our local region (where the event is hosted) are thinking about boycotting the whole thing as its going to cost them more money for a stand than the money they have had from the club from memberships etc over the last year!

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hello have the corrado.net benn "invited" to gti international this year ? i know crazy isnt it but you need to be invited to have a club stand this yr and only for 5 cars to !! we are considering going to europe instead what are you views on it guys ? having a club line up of what ?????


hope everyone has AA europe cover :lol: . would be gr8 going to europe like germany or so. If i havent sold my car by then id be up for it. 8)

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As I already mentioned on another posting here, on the SciroccoWorld forum we have now seen the invitation letter. Apparently only those clubs are invited that were there last year.


The plot is 10 m by 5 m, i.e. NOT large enough to stick on 5 Roccos, let alone 5 Rados :mad: How on earth they came up with thatmadness is beyond me.


They now want 25 Quid for the plot (compared to 20 Quid last year for a much larger plot, we had 10 Roccos on our stand, this year we're lucky, if we can get 2 on) for the weekend.


Clearly, even though being a Dutch / European resident in the UK (and hence knowing the European show scenerey a little) and having found last year's Inters already ultra commercail by comparison this year's event seems to be taking the p*iss :mad:


More and more clubs are starting to think about boycotting the event, as it's the clubs and their stand that IMHO make the show.


Anyway, Roadstar 2004, the Rocco/Rado event in the Netherlands from 14 till 16 May has its own thread here as well, looking for some more folks to join in (possibly along with me on my journey Harwich to Hook of Holland, going Wednesday 12/5, returning Sun 16/5). Roadstar is very much like VW Action, only even more relaxed and laid back, the way a show should be :D


Tempest (enough ramble for 1 night :lol: )

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Sorry but ive read this letter and i understand what they are trying to do. You can even apply for more room on request but it does come at a cost :roll:


Its like TRL where you had the main club stands and then everyone else would park together in the carpark next to it, so it would be a mini corrado lot etc.


In some ways its good and in others bad.


But basically if your in a airfield, from which what i remmeber was massive and with all that room it could be designed alot better where you can have stands of 20 cars which would be worth it alot more :)


oh well atleast inters is not the only show this year so i wouldnt get all hanged up about it

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Hearing some info on this, i believe that the invites were sent out to "clubs" rather than "forums". I don't know exactly how you can put a positive differentiator between them. There was also a lot of complaints last year about the club displays being too far away from the main show area and looking like a car park in its own right. I think this year they have tried to bring the club stands right into the show and it has therefore limited space. At the end of the day, this is still a new site for GTI International and a few things have to be tried before a happy medium is arrived at. TRL has been lost so we now have to make the most of the new location and support it where possible and give them some ideas of what you want to be done/seen at the following years event. Perhaps then you would get what you wanted! By boycotting a show altogether there's always the possibility that you'll loose it for good!


I'll be there, as i have been the last few years. Maybe even on the ClubGTI Worcs stand (if we can get enough of us on there!) :wink:

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totaly agree with clive :cheers: :D

instead of runnign away from it and losing it try and show them how to make it better :)

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Anyway, Roadstar 2004, the Rocco/Rado event in the Netherlands from 14 till 16 May has its own thread here as well, looking for some more folks to join in (possibly along with me on my journey Harwich to Hook of Holland, going Wednesday 12/5, returning Sun 16/5). Roadstar is very much like VW Action, only even more relaxed and laid back, the way a show should be :D


Sod it, I'll not bother with Inters then, I'm up for that... 8) I'll PM you a bit closer to the date, but can you do me a favour and let me know when you book your ferry tickets so I can make sure I'm on the same one as you! 8) :wink:

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Inters is turning into a farce.it's never been right since they took it away from the wondeful TRL.


I think it may die of death this year. I can see a lot of people boycotting it as it's become far too commercialised. There was harldy any cars on show last year, its was sh1te.

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It's not that it was taken away from TRL though Paul, TRL was taken from us!! That's why we've got to try and get our views across on how to make it better. It's almost like starting a new show (only this one has the already established name), they've got to sort out the area that they've got and the best place to put everything. If we all moan and run from it then it will die, but if we put our ideas in it can only make it stronger! I'll admit that the year at Wroughton was a failure and last years wasn't great, but it now has an ideal site we just need to suggest how to use it.

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So true.


People only go because it's called GTI international. If they took the name away it'd just be some poxy little show. But for that reason it'll probably never die off completely.


It was the worst show of the entire season last year. I was bored rigid. Fair enough, I was in my old Golf GL and had a trade stand, when usually I'm sprinting or showing. But the whole show had comletely lost it's character and ambience.


It's too money orientated, it should be VW orientated. It's not setup to give us the show we want, it's purely there to make Autometrix money, and that stinks.


Anyone who went to Edition 38 will confirm that the more laid back approach made for a FAR batter show.


It's about time there was another show, something to knock GTI international into the weeds so it dies off along with the greedy b4stard who run it.

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Have to agree with you Phat, been to Inters a few times, being that the locations such a facking mission to get to for some of us, I'd say they are taking the piss abit!


I went to the 1st E38 show last year got to say very chilled & some cool cars!

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It's about time there was another show, something to knock GTI international into the weeds


What like? Future ClubGTI Worcs Megameets? :wink: :-P

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Hmmm, has anybody got a list of european show dates?

I am looking at a ahow in the Holland, Austria, France or Germany region!

We have a few lads who were on for inters, but since our club didnt get an invite

(poss due to mr porter last year having a screaming match at one of the lads) :lol:

we are talking about a quick spin to europe!

Also any dates for shows!!!



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Just my 2 cents (again :lol: ):


As last year's Inters it was my first one, I already found it extremely commercial, dictatorial (got told off because a "non-approved" journalist was taking snaps of my Mk1 Rocco for future publication in the "wrong" magazine), and all much centred on the sprints and the trade stands, where the organisors make the real money.


I must dmit that I quite liked the club stands though, nice and spaceous, hard standing etc. but possibly badly sign posted, as most people felt it was an extension to the car park.


Compared to other UK shows, like the much more relaxed Edition 38 or VW Action, I liked it least of the shows I've been to last year.



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yeah, I agree Tempest, last year was my first Inters and I wasn't that impressed... It had all the bare bones to be a great show, and a fantastic (if somewhat remote!) site, but just didn't seem to "gel" together into a good show due to the organisation (both lack of and/or overbearingness of!)


I loved that there were so many clubs with such big stands... That was the only thing that was making me REALLY want to go this year... now that's not happening, I can't see the point... I'll go to Action, VWNW, Stanford hall, BVF and dubfreeze, but I'm pretty certain that Inter's is now off my list.... :|

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Did ANYONE actually enjoy inters last year?


I loved the night time in the pub, mainly becasue about 20 of my best mates were there ahving a damn good laugh! to be honest, that's all I'm going for this year.

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The organisers of Inters were warned a few years ago that if the guests didn't behave themselves in and around the TRL, the venue would be withdrawn, and it was. So if anyone is to blame, it's the muppets that show off in and outside the grounds. The last time I went (1999), there were gangs of morons doing handbrake turns and burn-outs in the car parks, aswell as pissing the locals off with similar behaviour after the event.


The only time I went prior to that was in 1995 where it was completely different, in terms of atmosphere and things to look at. There were actually some ground breaking cars back then and not the usual array of boring MK2s with loud spray jobs.....plus the people who attended actually went there for some inspiration and to see the cars they love, unlike the hoards of trouble makers that tend to go these days.....

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I cant believe no-one's even mentioned the chaos of trying to leave last year's GTI International!


Absolute hell! No organisation whatsoever, took 1 and a half hours to go about 3 miles back to the motorway. :shock:

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Hello guys ive just posted this up on another forum and though i would share it with you guys :-


Sadly im going to let my personal feelings out here instead of giving a professional answer


Ok I've been reading across a lot of forums negative comments about the site etc and they would rather go over to Europe.


I can totally understand this to a point, but what I cant understand is, everyone says that European shows are so much better, but no one ever asks why they are better.


In my opinion they are because those guys make it better but making the effort of putting the show together and working with the show instead against the show. The don’t go round breaking rules because they think they are better than others and they appreciate everyone else’s creation if they spent £50 or £50,000. This is why shows like Vw action and E38 are taking off.


In the end of the day TRL was taken away from us (like I saw someone mention on another forum) and instead of backing up gti international and advising them and showing them where they are going wrong with the new place where walking away from it and just spending more money going abroad.


VAG scene is big here in the UK and bigger than most of us think so (I know I’ve learnt a lot about it in the last year), so instead of fighting it, why don’t we help it grow??? In the end of the day it's us who makes the shows not them just my 2p's worth.

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