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My 1.8 16V is misfiring on Cylinder 1 (The nearest to the Dizzy) I have replaced the Dizzy and fitted new Bosch spark plugs. I have checked that i'm getting a spark which I am. The HT Leads are relatively new. I was running low on petrol and filled up at a dodgy garage then 10 miles down the road it started misfiring. Anybody got any ideas as i've run out of things to check or replace. Is it easy to remove the injector to see if it's a fuel starvation problem if so how is this done?


PS Ignition switch replaced last week - Every week something seems to break on my Corrado.

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To remove the injectors, pull! :roll: :lol: Seriously, on a 1.8 16v (KR) you just grip them by the top of the injector (around the nut that locks the fuel pipe on) and give 'em a good old yank to get them out... you may find that giving them a slight twist first loosens them so you can get them out... DO NOT YANK ON THE FUEL PIPES THOUGH!


To test it, remove the coil lead from the coil, take one injector out and place it into a jamjar, turn on the ignition and crank the car over... you should get fuel in a nice spray into the jam jar... do this for a couple of seconds until you have a level in the jar you can measure (while timing how long you're cranking for!). Put that injector back into the engine (push hard!), mark the fuel level and then throw the fuel away (or put it back into the tank!) and then try the dodgy injector for the same amount of time. If you get the same amount of fuel in the same amount of time, then it's unlikely to be the injector that's at fault... 8)


There is a way of firing the fuel pump by shorting the hall sender connector, but I don't have the details with me at work... :?




If you don't fully understand any of these instructions, DO NOT TRY IT YOURSELF! playing with high pressure fuel is not fun if you get it wrong and will almost certainly make your insurance company laugh at you and walk away from any claim you try to make after getting it spectacularly wrong! :onfire:


P.S. cylinder closest to dizzy is No.4 :roll: :lol:

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Well after a good look round testing the injector on Cylinder 4, I have located the fault. It appears to be the HT lead on this cylinder. I switched the leads around and found that this particular lead did not fire on any of the other cylinders either. The only thing that P****S me off is that the HT Leads are relatively new. :cry:

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... and I take it you binned the old ones! - It amazes me the amount of faulty leads that get sold (were they GSF by the way?)


Always worth checking with a Multimetre before fitment! (should be just below 4 ohm resistance)


Halfords do BOSCH leads and they list the G60 in there book but can get them anymore, I think i'll buy some Blue Ignitors at Inters! :lol:

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