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G60 boiling :S

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So after going to see slim and reading all over the forum that possibly my thermostat needed changing as it gave up the ghost.....


Well i changed it, sealed loverly but...


Let it run for 5-10 mins and it boiled over again...


Bottom hose cold, like no water had been through it, top hose, very very hot...


Water pump???

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Just had this exact problem after major refurb in the engine bay. Car was stood (sans oil and water), for three months or so. When I finished the engine bay rebuild, I let it run then after 5-10 mins, clunking, bubbling noises then the expansion bottle bubbling over. Drained the system again, same problem. Went through the cycle again, same result. Panicking it was the water pump :pale: . This time pulled the top hose between the water pump and engine block. Guess what, bone dry :brickwall: Also, the bottom hose was cold like yours :shock: .So got a funnel and filled the hose routed directly into the water pump. Water then started running out of the black plastic engine block junction. Re-attached the hose. Filled the system again then went for a drive with a 5 litre botle (engine oil container well flushed), of water just in case. En-route, I made sure to stop the engine whenever I was standing still for more than a few seconds. The out and return journey was about 35 miles. I kept up with the 'stop engine' regime till I got home, and then stood the car on my driveway with the bonnet up and engine running, holding my breath. The fan was kicking in at about 105% oil temp, and guess what, no more boil over. My water pump was replaced in 2006, and it wasn't making any noise(like it did when it failed), so I prayed it was not that. Seems to be fine now :clap: . Perhaps it's something about the components soaking in water for a while before they start working properly, i.e - the thermostat. Sure glad this sorted itself out. Hope this is helpful for ya :D

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It can help to fill it up at bit via the top hose...........also worth checking the new stat, put in boiling water etc etc 2 min job gives piece of mind.........these cars are bad (or good ) at getting airlocks(on a VR)....... :wave:

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So yeah it is definatly the water pump...


So next question is..


How hard is the water pump to fit and does anybody have a guide or owt i can look at



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the water pump sits underneath the supercharger bracket so you will need to take the alternator off and then the supercharger out and then remove the supercharger bracket.

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  iMation said:
thats why your not replying to the hundreds of emails lol


no doubt you will be getting a phone call


So is my inbox at work now full :wink:

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  dirtytorque said:
the water pump sits underneath the supercharger bracket so you will need to take the alternator off and then the supercharger out and then remove the supercharger bracket.


WHAT ffs, fair enough, anything i should be carefull of while doing this?


Suppose i could tidy alot of stuff up too.

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  Slimg60 said:
  iMation said:
thats why your not replying to the hundreds of emails lol


no doubt you will be getting a phone call


So is my inbox at work now full :wink:


More than likely lol




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  iMation said:
  dirtytorque said:
the water pump sits underneath the supercharger bracket so you will need to take the alternator off and then the supercharger out and then remove the supercharger bracket.


WHAT ffs, fair enough, anything i should be carefull of while doing this?


Suppose i could tidy alot of stuff up too.



lol,not really.Good luck. :)

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How do you know its defo the water pump?


I had a few issues like this when I changed the stat on mine, issue 1 was I had managed to trap the rubber o-ring on the blue expansion cap, easy fix just unscrew and turn it over to see the o-ring is still in place, and issue 2 was a crap stat from VW... it hardly opened at all ended up going through 3 rubbish stats from VW before getting a low temp one from here: http://www.awesome-gti.co.uk/product.ph ... 88&xSec=86





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So anyway, changed the water pump, thermostat.


Filled with coolant,


went out for 4 miles, stopped and it pissed water out of the exspansion tank again...


felt down the rad, one half hot, other half cold. bottom hose from thermostat, cold!


Im out of idea's now....


Anybody else?


p.s. i tried the thermostat in boiling water befor i put it in

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If that bottom pipe is cold along with the bottom half of the rad you have a dodgy stat, as I said I went through three from VW before going for a low temp one. The ones from VW did open when put in a pan of boiling water but only just and the opening was smaller that the old stat I was swapping, the only other thing I guess could be an air lock in one of the pipes or maybe the heater matrix.


Try taking off the small pipe that leads up to the expansion tank with the motor running there should be a trickal coming out of it, if you have an airlock or the coolent isnt moving round the system properly nothing will come out of it.


Good luck dude.



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Ok so today,


I took the return pipe to the exspansion tank and blew down the tank its self. water was coming out of the smaller tube, but i dont know if enough was pushed out to remove the airlock (if one)


Secondly, i think im gonna get the lower degC one too, as im fucked off with shitty t-stats


Cheers for the info Dan (and everybody else)

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Hmmm - I think it has to be the stat if the bottom hose is staying cold... fitted the right way etc???


Try running without it for a bit...

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  Supercharged said:
Hmmm - I think it has to be the stat if the bottom hose is staying cold... fitted the right way etc???


Try running without it for a bit...

right, im pretty 99.9% its fitted the correct way but just reasure myself after you said that, you got a pic or owt?


if that dont work, im gonna run without it

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