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Oil Buzzer and Light on G60.

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Recently an old annoying problem has returned, with the weather recently being a little mild, I've been gettin my oil temp hittin the 104 mark which has led to the buzzer and light kickin in for few seconds then goes off. This has happened twice in the last 4 days whilst drivin around normally at 30 mph. I changed both switches and even the oil pump 2 years back. On my Oil press guage I get slightly under 2 bar when the oils at 80 degrees. This always seems to happen when the oil heats up over 100 degrees.

Wondering if its worth cleaning out the sump at the next oil change and checkin the wiring around both switches. Or even gettin a compression test done.


Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.




Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I already have a oil cooler fitted.

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could be worth slinging a new oil pump in while you clean out the sump... At least that way you know that if the light comes on, it's just an error rather than a proper warning... 8)

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