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Head unit losing memory

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Ok this is stsrting to annoy :? me now. Every time i get in the car and turn on the stereo i have to reprogram it to what i was listening to before i turned the ignition of.

I think i understand what's going on and it's the fact that there is no power going to the head unit to keep the memory going but i have absolutely no idea how to fix it. So if anyone else has experienced this problem or has any idea what could be causing it then please please let me know before i go :x :x .


Thanks in advance guys.

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Firstly check for a blown fuse... :wink: :roll:


Then it's a case of taking the stereo out and finding a constant live wire to attach to your stereo so that it'll keep it's memory, as you're only connected to the ignition live at the moment...


Hope this helps....

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You need a constant live and a switched live, I think you probably just have them the wrong way round - what type of head unit is it?? - most new ones have plugs in the loom to swap over the red and yellow leads...

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Get a voltmeter or similar device and whille there are no keys in the ignition test the wires behind the unit for a 12v current(think mine red with white stripe)


When you've found it you need to connect this to the memory/perminant V cable on your head unit(look at head unit manual to check which wire)


now put your keys in and get the power on, (light on dash) and test for another 12v cable (usually red) and this is your live. this will power your unit when on.


Don't forget your earth (black or brown)!!

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Its probably easier than that...


There are two cables which need to be switched over on VW's as they work in a different way. If memory serves me, there should be a Red and a Yellow cable if you pull out the head unit - and if the head unit is reasonably modern, it should have connectors between the two which should let you unplug them and then reconnect them red->yellow and yellow->red.


As the other guys have said, this is something to do with getting a permanent live - VW and some other manufacturers just seem to do it differently to others, so you have to do that little cable swap.

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Or you can bind the yellow and red leads together and be done with it, which is handy if you like listening to the stereo whilst waxing the car without the need for the igniton to be on.

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Or you can bind the yellow and red leads together and be done with it, which is handy if you like listening to the stereo whilst waxing the car without the need for the igniton to be on.


I always wire my stereos like this... 8)

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is there an echo in here :lol:


on a personal note. i prefer being able to pull the key out the ignition and the stereo cutting off without haing to fiddle with it, if i ever want to wash the car and have the stereo on, then i simply put the ke in, and turn it to I


my 2p

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As I have to "fiddle" with the stereo to turn it off when I turn the car off, I find it reminds me to take the face off the stereo so I don't end up with a pile of glass on the seat, a damaged dashboard and a missing head unit... :|


my 2p... 8)


It's a case of each to their own and what you prefer... 8)

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That cos you've got your yellow and red wires wired up correctly, Brian? ;)

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Hey! I do wiring for a living! If I can't mess about with the wires in my car, where can I?!? :p :wink: :lol: :lol:

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When I first got my C I had the same problem but no matter which way round I wired it - same problem. Turned out the battery was roooted (also explained the slow starting! :roll: ).

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What you guys need is a GSF ignition switch like me!...


I stop the car, turn the ignition off and if I take the key out to fast the stereo turns off (as it should) but then comes back on again when the door is shut - its superb and cheaper than the VAG one that doesn't include this special feature! - highly recomended :lol:

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I had the exact same problem with my JVC chameleon.It turned out to be the 10amp fuse right at the end of the fuse box,closest to the drivers side wing.

Found this out after ripping out most of the wiring and putting all back together again-not the first time I've done this and never bothered checking the fuses first....Hence I chose the name BLOWN!

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Cheers for those guys. Sorry for the late reply i've been (Shove in some laim excuse) well actually I forgot i had written this thread :oops: :oops:

I'll try some of those this weekend when i get the time and we'll see what happens.

The head unit is a Sony MDX C6500r. (It's a Mini Disc)

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Okay problem solved. All i had to do was look at the instructions (Of course) and figure out that if the red wire goes to the yellow wire and the yellow wire goes to the red wire then it works :cheers: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH.

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