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Amp fault winding me up!!

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my speakers make a loud pop noise when i turn the power on and when i skip tracks its happened befor in other cars but ive ignored it. the install was good for a coupple of weeks then i heavily loaded the boot . common fault??? anyone have a clue?


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i've had this when i turn the power on, i just always assumed it was the amp coming on and whacking a bit of power into the speakers, i've not worried about it really, I think even though you might not have any music playing, the amp still feeds power to the speakers, so i've a feeling its just the speakers reacting to this sudden power input. Never had it skipping tracks though, again it could be the speakers reacting sudden jumps in power. does it happen reguardless of how high you have the gain on the amp? you could try turning that down a bit and just turning your headunit up further when you want it loud.


dont quote me on this cos i might be totally wrong, everyone feel free to correct me!

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