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Interior door pulls playing up :(

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Hi guys,


Just after a bit of advice really. My door pulls are starting to play up a bit, I have to push the bit-you-pull-out-to-open-the-door back in once the door is shut otherwise it sticks outwards. Does that make sense?! I might try and upload photos tomorrow.


No, this doesn't stop the door closing, it just bugs me. Is it the cable behind, in the door card, that will have stretched and is about to snap? Bit of an odd one...just wondered if anyone has come across this problem, and if so, what did they do to fix it?



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If its like mine, I think its a bit of plastic on the back of the pull that hits the doorcard causing it to stick out. A quick filing and its sorted, just not done mine yet :salute:

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It's a solid rod behind the doorcard, you may find dropping the lock mech and dowsing it good and proper with wd40 or similar cleans/lubes it so the spring is more effective.


You made find that 'tweaking' the rod and shortening it a bit helps but I'd lube it first, unless you want to take the door card off!! :lol:

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Is taking off the door card a mission then? I was going to have a stab at this tomorrow to see how 'easy' it is to fix.

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Easy peasy, two screws at the rear, one or two at the front and one in the speaker hole. Unscrew the door pin(? that plastic knob that locks the door) and take off the door handle trim by pushing either towards the front or the rear of the car, I forget which. Then lift the card up and not out. You may have to prise the top away from the window trim or it may come out as one.


Putting it back on is a bit harder, make sure you have located it in the clips at the bottom of the door without breaking any and also put a piece of string round the door pin so you can pull it thru the hole. It can be frustrating to line both up and get the window trim in.

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