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Traffic lights

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Im driving in east london at the moment. Just went down a road called chiswell street, pulled up to the lights that face fisbury square. When you look at the green man there is an extra box next to it that has a timer to let pedestrians know how long they have to get across the road. Thought that was quite clever, never seen any thing like it

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in breaking news, pedestrians will be getting fines for crossing with a couple of seconds remaining (orange light status).

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Big thing in the US - most cities have them there, and have seen a few over here. Good idea IMHO.

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They have them in Singapore too, but then a lot of the crossing were so huge (easily +75 yards across) everyone needed the countdown!!

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They have them all over Cuba (well, not all over, but all the traffic lights they have are like that)


Not just for pedestrians, but traffic too... green countdown is their green light, and how long before the system changes... red countdown = red light and how long before it goes green.


They don't have amber lights either... don't suppose they need them if there's the countdown

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