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Please help a wet floored Corrado!

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Hey All,


Got in the Corrado to go to work this morning to find the floors behind the front seats soaking wet :bad-words: . I cant see it being the heather matrix as this has happened over a rainy night parked up on the drive. There is no water running down the pillars from the sunroof. I havnt had a chance yet to try and source where the water is getting in, but just wondering whether anyone has had this problem before and where to start looking really?? Any help is appreciated.


Thanks peeps.

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if its the same as the golfs/polos etc there are two pipes that run water from the sunroof down the body and out the car.


this is what id be looking at.


there was a thread on it somewhere i think. maybe sunroof leak will bring it up on the search??

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water can run in from around the rear lights and forward into the footwells

from the door plastic membranes not sealing or being ripped/removed

from the heater blower scuttle cover seal

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Was the car parked on flat level ground or was it pointing nose down or tail down?

I had the same in my old 8v after a very heavy nights rain and the car was tail down. water very definitely got in through the foiliage seal and ran down the door sill/step area to pool in the rear passenger footwell. parked it nose down from then on (and changed the foliage seal) and it was dry ever since.

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The car was parked with the drivers side wheels up on a kerb. Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by the foliage seal? The plastic sheeting behind the doorcards?

Davidwort - If water could run in from the rear light seals would that lead to a wet boot carpet aswell? As mine is dry. Both the plastic door membranes are still there but ill check how sealed they are when i get home from work. Also, where should i be looking for the heater blower scuttle cover seal?

Lastly, i also noticed i little bit of water dripping down from around the door hinge area inside the passenger footwell. Could this be down to any of the above mentioned?

Your comments are welcome, Thanks again.

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i found this on mine yesterday, always been chuffed its never leaked :(


mine is passenger footwell carpet, all the sill is wet too

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Window down, open the door, drop the door lock round to where it would be locked, close the door on that, and then bend the top of the door inwards is the method i use for door leaks.


Stops a fair bit of wind noise too.

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The car was parked with the drivers side wheels up on a kerb.

Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by the foliage seal?

Also, where should i be looking for the heater blower scuttle cover seal?

Lastly, i also noticed i little bit of water dripping down from around the door hinge area inside the passenger footwell. Could this be down to any of the above mentioned?

Your comments are welcome, Thanks again.


foliage seal = heater blower scuttle cover seal and wiki guide link very helpfully added by Dave.


With the drivers side higher due to being on the kerb the foliage seal would definitely be down 'stream' and water in the scuttle area would seep in before running out the drain in that corner.. or pool heavily if the rain was very heavy.


Water dripping from around the door hinge area also sounds like the foliage seal is the area of entrance as once the water is in it would continue 'flowing downhill' being the door.

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Thanks for your comments and advice. I think ill try and get hold of the bits needed to change the foliage seal (Now i know what it is, Doh!) as it seems that is the first port of call. Just out of curiosity, with this being on the passenger side of the car it would explain the water around the passenger footwell, but would it contribute to the water in the rear footwells directly as this would be 'upstream' if the car was parked with the drivers side wheels up on a kerb? Would it be worth looking into renewing the rubber door seals?

Mimjed - Bend the top of the door inwards :confused4: Im not really understanding your method, apologies if a little slow on the uptake! what does it remedy? or does it just get remaining water in the door out?

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it stops water getting in through the door seals. by bending the top of the door a little bit inwards it seals better on the rubber, very old trick that has been used for years.


the other way to do it is open the door put your leg against the door card and pull the top back towards you. i find you get more leverage by using the lock though.

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Mine leaked at the foliage cover too but instead of bothering with replacement foam i just used a bit of roof/gutter sealant,worked a treat too :)

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Just out of curiosity, with this being on the passenger side of the car it would explain the water around the passenger footwell, but would it contribute to the water in the rear footwells directly as this would be 'upstream' if the car was parked with the drivers side wheels up on a kerb? Would it be worth looking into renewing the rubber door seals?


I must admit I have been pondering that since.

Was it wet behind the drivers side as well and as much as the passenger?

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Mimjed - aaaahh :lol: i am now on the same page. Might give that a try!

Butterfly - Yeah both floors behind the front seats were wet. Im having trouble trying to find the cause, though im guessing the door seals. But neither sill is soaking when i open the door. Aaarrgh. i guess i might as well try and replace the foliage seal and maybe give mimjeds idea a bash and see where that gets me. Gutted. Hope i can find out where this leak is coming from as the rain in Wales is most definately falling more frequently at the mo!

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This morning it had actually gathered into a small puddle and is lookin like it is predominantly collecting in the drivers side. Bearing in mind the car was parked pretty much flat. Walked into work and found a water leak aswell....Damn water!!

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My leak was caused by the sunroof drainage channels being broke. Water ran down around windscreen. Past fuse board and into footwell. Before i traced it back it looked like the door seal had gone and water was comin thru the door. Take the head lining off was the advice i got from here and i found the problem

good luck

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Just having a think....how would i go about looking at the pipes that drain water from the sunroof to see if it is this that is causing the collection of water in both rear footwells. Has anyone done this?


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Cries...I also have a puddle in my rear passenger foot well :( It's going to take forever to dry!!


I will be doing my foliage seal now, then I think I'll checking ALL the car drainage, really cba with going through this everytime it rains. When I had the carpet out for a wash and dry after the matrix went it took a week to dry it and it was middle of summer!

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to check the drainage pipes you have to remove headlining and you will see a pipe at each corner. Remove the pipes and poke a wire down to make sure its not blocked.a old bike brake cable with a nobble on the end is great as it dont damage.

Mine was cracked from where the pipes go on and i could see water stains on the roof side of the headling.

Headling is easy enough to remove. Couple of screws at front on a pillars. Undo coat hangers and passenger pull handle. A pillar covers come off. Pop out the rears no real need to undo seat belts.prise off sunroof edgeing and the sunroof switch cover and light.

Now with a bit of playin the head lining should pull forward and down towards footwell. The back pilar covers should act as runners. Refitting is a reversal as they say.


One for drying out your carpets faster is try to find someone in the glass trade and ask them for some dessicant. Its whats stops your windows from misting up. Put it in a breathable container and leave. It abosorbs all the moisture out of the air so on a hot day your car is full of dry air and can dry out better. Rather than staying moist and muggy.

Other than that try a vax or rug docter they are great for sucking out water. I dried mine out with dessicant and leather chamois put a couple under and over they hold a lot.


This was a quick reply. Lol . :)

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My corrado is off the road waiting for a clutch master cylinder. This morning I went out to remove the under dash and found the drivers side front n rear carpets resembling small lakes its parkedon the drive, drivers side down slightly nose down. Could this be the sunroof seal with as its old, dry n cracked with blocked run off pipes ? also there is a pool of water under the engine ecu near the heater blower. I pulled two big handfulls of leaves out from round here but the water is still there but the carpet under the blower is dry.

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Been a while since i posted, but replaced and cleaned around the foliage seal which has solved the leak coming in by the passenger footwell, but unfortunately still water, though not as much, in the rear footwells. So, next day off will see the headlining coming out to see if it is the sunroof drainage pipes. Fingers crossed! Thanks for all the advice guys.

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I have the same problem.....grrr. I'm gonna do all the above to hopefully rectify the problem. Although it looks like its coming from the foliage seal after getting the carpet up. Headlining out sounds fun....not. Still it gives me an excuse to retrim it while its out.

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my matrix has gone and the passenger side is wet, the joys of corrado ownership hey!


at least its suppose to be dry this weekend so i can do it

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