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Who's the Stig......???

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........Ben Collins :shock:


I feel a little gutted knowing who he is now.

Wonder if Top Gear will kill him off too :lol:

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They should bring in Stig's long lost cousin who's been locked away in solitary confinement in Siberia :nuts:


No-one knows why he was locked away, all part of the mystery :cuckoo:

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yeah, apparently he's been ditched and replaced already - new one in place at some Top Gear PR event in germany.

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yeah, apparently he's been ditched and replaced already - new one in place at some Top Gear PR event in germany.


Already :shock:

I wonder if they give him the same style send off as black stig, and what colour the next one will be :camp:

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yeah, apparently he's been ditched and replaced already - new one in place at some Top Gear PR event in germany.


Already :shock:

I wonder if they give him the same style send off as black stig, and what colour the next one will be :camp:


Blackberry Stig!!!!! :clap:

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Good spot. Wonder why they didn't just have him in the car as the Stig - just guess he wasn't actually the Stig at that point!

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He's in it loads, and his name is in the credits, and the report into the supersonic hamster crash. His company does consultancy work for Top Gear.


I didn't think it was a big secret? Was anyone that surprised?



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Yeah I think the rumour has been around for years now.


I think he was getting pissed that the Beeb were making so much money off his image and blocked him mentioning the role in his autobiography. So to me it sounds like he was leaving and just simply bypassing the non-disclosure clause by getting a third party publisher to produce the works instead.

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