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MFA Boost Readings on G60

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Ok I just found out how to measure my boost pressure using the MFA so can anyone tell me if they're ok. Its standard pulley but Jabba stage 4 when it was rebuilt 30,000 miles ago


Idle 500-530

Full bore near redline in 4th- 1610 - 1730 (did the dual carriage way a few times)





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Simple: Engine off, then

Press and hold MFA button, turn ignition key on and off again. Then start engine (still holding the MFA button), now release the MFA button. Set MFA to mode 2 (the measurement mode). Press the MFA button once to get the boost pressure on the display.


Just for completeness:


No. of times MFA button pressed: Display:


1------------------------------------------Boost pressure


3------------------------------------------Momentary fuel consumption

4------------------------------------------Signal from speed sensor

5------------------------------------------Oil temperature

6------------------------------------------Ambient (outside) temperature


OK, then once you've got the boost pressure on your display, one has to distinguish between Motometer and VDO instruments.


Motometer instruments show pressure in mbar (again, there are 2 types, one will show absolute pressure, others the pressure above atmospheric pressure, i.e. above 1000 mbar), whilst VDO instruments show digital values:


VDO Value: Motometer value (absolute pressure): Boost pressure delivered by G-Lader (above atmospheric pressure):













Readings should be taken at just before 6100 rpm (after which boost pressure is reduced again), any boost reading of less than 211 (VDO) or 1600 (Motometer) should set the alarm bells sounding, i.e. time to take the G-Lader apart :(


Hope this helps folks,



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