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Help! Bonnet stuck down

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yeh, try pressing down on the stuck corner as someone pulls the lever.

Failing that, it's rip the grill out and and try and reach your hand to the catch.

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You can get the grill off if your very carefull, if someone is pulling the lever then either push down then up on the bonnet or pull the cable a bit more behind the grill......... :wave:

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Grab the seatbelt and use that to pull on the bonnet catch, then just use a firm palm shove over the stuck pin and 9/10 it'll come free.

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I had the opposite problem of this, it kept popping up.


Today I went about fixing it and in the process I managed to cause it to stay stuck down.


I gave the bonnet pop lever a good few quick pulls then wegded the level fully pulled allowing the side that was popping to stay popped.


I already has the grill off, and it was the passenger's side that was jammed, don't know if that's the left hand side you're on about?


Anyway, if you can get your grill off with the lever fully pulled, there's a small hole in the partition behind the headlamp that allows you to just about poke a finger or two through to the bonnet pop side of the bay. The bonnet catch is attached to a narrow pipe that you can just about feel through that hole. It's really hard to do, but basically you need to push the top of that narrow pipe as far back in the direction of the boot as possible. It's held in by a metal hook, so you might need to pull it out of that to push it in the right direction.


It's a really fiddely job to do, but with enough message about I managed to get it to pop.


I've attached a photo of the catch from the top, the pipe you see in the hole is what you're trying to manipulate. The bonnet's catch is going to be in that hole obviously but what you're trying to do is move that piping out of the way essentially. That should help you see it in your mind a bit better anyway, I hope :)


After that, you're probably going to need to adjust the settings on the bonnet pop system, which is what I had to do, except you're going to want to tighten up the system, not loosen it like I did.


Here's a link to the thread I had with what you need to do. If you get stuck, pm me and I'll send some photos through...




Pulling really sharply and hard on the bonnet lever may be just enough to do it though as the system may be a little stuck...


Hope that helps...pm me for any more info on it.



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