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My bonnet keeps popping up...ahhh!!!

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Hi everyone,


I've got a 1.8 16v on 91 plate. It's had a VR6 bonnet put on it some time in the past and the passenger side of it keeps popping up when I get the car up to about 60/70 on the roads. I keep having to pull over and pop it back down but it's not too long before it happens again.


This isn't exactly right obviously.


Any ideas on what I could do to keep it settled in as it should?


Thanks in advance.



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quite straightforward, but needs a bit of trial and error. The trumpet shaped connector on the end of the bonnet cable is pulled too far to the left. Hold the cable with pliers, loosen the trumnpet slightly and retighten. Close the bonnet and see if you've moved it enough. Make sure you oil and grease the bonnet pins and the loack bars inside the lock - these may have seized. Ideally you've want to remove the grill and clean the arm with a wire brush, then relube. If you can get someone to pull the bonnet release from inside you can see if the locak arms move. The left one only moves very slightly.

Could also be the lock at the front that holds the bonnet down - there should be a plastic trim on the slam panel that it clips into tightly - see that this is not broken, or even still there!

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Hi mate,


Woah...that was a pretty detailed reply thanks mate :)


Thank you for that. I'll try and get my head around it and sort it out then!


Thanks again.



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I managed to sort this :)


Your help was great thanks mate. The trumpet thing was already as loose as it could get whilst maintaining some tension. I had to bend the arm a little, and used a match stick to wedge in the bracket that the arm sits in running vertically beside the head lamp...this actually worked, but too well and I couldn't open the bonnet at all...oh no!!!


Managed to undo that though and the bending of the arm with a little bit of the trumpet adjustment worked a treat.


Just need to get it up to speed on the motorway to make sure it holds whilst at speed and going over bumps. I'm sure it will though as I used to be able to pop the passenger side up without using the bonnet release lever.


Gave the engine bay body work a bit of a clean whilst I was at it and blackened the front grill...looks sweeeeeeetttt!!!


Thanks again :)



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