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how much do you spend

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how much do you spend on your corrado a month,i reckon i must be spending £150 on just parts not including fuel.i dont stand a chance of getting it back if i ever sold it.i reckon by the time i get it painted and what ive already paid for parts it will be well over what i paid for the car but i am very fussy and like things right :lol:

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I can't imagine there are many cars that could fetch back what you would pay in maintenance and repairs, not even modern cars.


I don't spend much at the mo, not as much as I would like anyway, but hopefully that will start to change soon!

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suppose if i had something newer i would spend and spend on that,at least ive not got a cat and loads of sensors to go wrong

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I don't spend any because i don't have any to spend... rather depressing really :(


+1 for above.


wish it was 'what would I like to spend' rather then 'what do I need to fix' :wink:

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I prefer not thinking about it :brickwall:


but well, i've spent about 20.000 in 3 years of ownership which makes about 500 a month :gag: excluding the 300 in petrol per month

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I brought mine just over a year ago for £2000 and a couple of months ago i added up all my bills and it came to just under £2500.


Which if you do the maths works out to be £208.33 a month on part.


If you go for fuel and insurance then its about £65 for fuel and £96 for insurance a month


Its not worth thining about tbh :cuckoo: :nuts:



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looks like i dont spend to much then at £150 ish then.looking for some lupo wipers for my next purchase,what do they cost these days

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god thats a lot,suppose if your happy tho

I am happy, but that will change when the one remaining crayon they gave me runs out. I still have a couple of walls I need to draw on...

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It really varies, sometimes you can spend hundreds, sometimes you spend nothing. It will cost you more than you budget, no matter what.

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bought my one in 13/02/10 and till now spent 13870 pounds excluding tax, insurance and fuel :cuckoo:

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i must say tho some of the parts ive bought didnt realy need doing,like bottom arms the drop links where ok but thought when i am at it do um.cv joints 1 clicking so do um both and so on

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I dread to think how much I've spent in the last 12 months. It's gotten to the stage when nearly everything has been replaced so there must be some light at the end of the tunnel....

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ive got a big lever arch file with every receipt for the last 8 years but i daren't and wont be adding it up :D

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I didn't even get any service history with the car. You win some you lose some ey! :lol:


Only things i spend is the stuff i want to do it, eg copious sets of wheels. :camp:

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