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vw domo

anyone grow an inch at 80 deg?

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exhaust Im talking about! :norty:


Im not sure if there is any stopping this but my stainless system seems to grow by about an inch in length when up to normal running temps.

I have tried to strap it up to stop it swinging on the hangers but it just snaps the straps :brickwall: anyone know how i can secure it properly or stop it expanding?



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I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do unless u get some kinda system made of some exotic non expandy materials lol, my last 3 exhausts have done it.

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acorns don't grow into oak trees at hot temperatures buddy! haha


yea i wouldn't try and stop it, if your pressuring it one end, it'll be pushing and weakening somewhere else

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haha, maybe an obscene title was not the best way to go about this.


i just wondered if anyone else has this problem really, i guess i wont attempt to strap it down any more and just let it extend (giggady)


still need to sort out the hangers and pipe anyways as it swings a bit to freely :lol: i cant stop it now.

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