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Stopped by police for being too low....

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bit off topic but, overhere in Ireland, we're not meant to get out've the car when we're pulled over, till we're told to. Or is this just me being too goody goody?! :D


No that's a hangover from the not getting shot at school of thinking. The reason you should stay in your car (in the UK mainland too) is that it makes it easier for the Police to control you if you kick off.


As for the OP, I appreciate you may feel victimised for being pulled 25 times in a few years when you consider that you have done nothing wrong.


However, the Police can stop and search anyone they have reasonable suspicion of commiting an offence and something that you are doing when driving is giving them reasonable suspicion - even if you think you are doing nothing wrong.


As for there is no law how low a car can be, if you are scrubbing your tyres on the arches then that's illegal..

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cheers mate, i did know that tbh also thatif youdamage the road its also illegal...


"Get the chip off your shoulder, learn to spell and realise that that the use of obscenities only indicates a lack of knowledge of your native tongue.


As someone has said previously as you sow, so shall you reap. I am not a religious man, despite the previous quote, but I think you should have another look at what's going on, especially yourself.


I sometimes fail to understand why people modify their cars illegally, number plates, decatting, overloud exhausts or whatever then run crying when they are justifiably pulled and done for it


Get a (proper) life."


I can spell, im just not exactally fussy about my spelling on an internet forum, really doesnt phase me it being wrong, maybe you should take up reading again, might help you to establish what the missing letters were....


Also dont pre judge me, you know nothing about me, who i am or how i am so how can you comment on me in the slightest this is a car forum not a personality forum... i talked about my car not me...


Im not really too fussed what you think of me, as to me your a name and a picture on a website....


I get pulled over because im out alot at night, end of.


People want to modify their ars past the eyes of the law because why should they be able to predict what i/others can do to their cars, why should they not be able to do what they like to their cars as long as its respectivvly safe for soceity....


All i can say its a waist of time considering 6% of deaths on the uk roads are caused by speeding drivers, why punish me when im going slowly.


Ps. Ashame my life should still be going when your looking at soil?

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Getting pulled 25 times does scream that you are doing something to draw attention to yourself.


I`ve been driving modified cars for four years now (including at night :wink:) and only been pulled once in that time

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Me and my friends are all out at night driving as we manage a pub. Basically we all get harassed by the Police for no reason. Thus i can feel your pain mate. Just one of those things.


Most of them are decent chaps, just probably bored out on the job at 1am.

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