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Corrado car storage - how long

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I'm flying down under with work next month which should tie in nicely with being in Brisbane for the 1st Ashes test but I digress. I'm away initially for 3 months so my Corrado will be over-wintering at my parents in Sussex. There's a big possibility 3 months will turn into 3 years so my question concerns how long a Corrado or any car can be stored for without it turning to dust. Has anyone put a car into storage for that long and if so what was it like when the time came to resurrect it?

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can you get a family member to run every 2 weeks, 1month,just to keep the oil circulating and fuel flowing without going stale?


ideally if your leaving it along time i.e years without use, fuel needs to be drained and put on blocks, to prevent tyres from forming flat spot/perishing, be better if someone could give it a run every onw and then.to get it up to temp.

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Left my old spitfire for about 7 years when the floor fell out of it - took about half a day to get it going again. The worst is that the fuel will go off after about a year and will require draining, and as has been said, tyres will perish if stood in the same position for an extended period.

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I think I'm qualified to answer this not used mine much in 10 years :)


Problems I've had... Binding of rear calipers through lack of use.... I now leave the car in gear, chocked with hand brake off.


chattery engine due to oil not circulating round, sorts itself after a run for a while (only done this once). car ideally needs to be started every few weeks. I change the oil every six months.


One problem with not taking the car for a proper spin and aloud to get fully hot is you do get condensation in the engine block during winter which would normally evaporate with a stonk down the road. I've taken the oil cap off a few times and convinced myself the head gasket has gone but it's only condensation.


during winter it can get damp in the garage / car, on a sunny day I leave the boot open and have taken the boot light out to save power :)


Flat spots on the tyres may develop. I have an old set of wheels the car stands on.


flat battery... I don't like trickle charging the battery so charge every month.


If it's stored in a garage like mine that's in constant use it does get constantly brushed pasted...


Oh and keep minimal fuel in it, it does go off. I buy 5 litres every 6 months or so.


My insurance is more to keep it in a locked garage than on the driveway for some reason.


mine always seems to get dusty... I never wash mine in the winter if it's going back straight in the garage as she will not dry properly. don't want any rust do we :0


Oh ! have a good time in OZ


Give it a good service before you drive it again and she should be fine

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Delfinis - just what I needed. Some top tips from someone in the know :notworthy: . Luckily for this 3 month period I will get my Dad to drive it once in a while. If I get my time in Oz extended I'll deal with that next year.

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I think I'm qualified to answer this not used mine much in 10 years :)


If it's stored in a garage like mine that's in constant use it does get constantly brushed pasted...



I have a few marks down the drivers side where people have brushed pashed it - nothing serious, if the garage is in constant use it often is safer to keep it on a drive.

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