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boost monkey

Oh, you're asking how my morning went?

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Well, I'm glad you asked.


I've been designing a parametric quarter car model in ADAMS (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems).


I can adjust the pickup points to:


- create the perfect camber curve and use the model to adjust camber gain,

- measure and adjust kingpin inclination to minimise affects on camber whilst retaining required geometry,

- measure and adjust castor to offset negative effects on camber from the kingpin inclination,

- model a steering rack and analyse bump steer through the range of suspension travel,

- measure installation ratio and adjust tyre and spring rates dynamically.






I'm sure you had a fun morning too :grin:

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Coffee is gooood :D


It's nice to be able to design your suspension and know what it's doing before getting the welder out etc.


Engineering is fun.

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Can't beat being paid for taking a dump at work. Make sure you take your time and produce a log lumber jacks would be proud of.....


Boost Chunky, can that software be used to analyse the existing settings of our Corrados and allow us to rework them for better results? It would be nice to know exactly how much to drop the tie rod / wishbone by in order to kill bump steer :D

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You should work in F1, as I do. Having made carbon wishbones for the F1 car i work on, I know how complex all the geomatry can be to get the car to handle as you want it.


Have fun and enjoy your Dump :clap:

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Yep overtime 7am to 7 pm.


Kev even god would have been proud of what i laid today, and how much time i spent making sure i was clean and also reading the news.


Cant beat a paid crap.

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Boost Chunky, can that software be used to analyse the existing settings of our Corrados and allow us to rework them for better results? It would be nice to know exactly how much to drop the tie rod / wishbone by in order to kill bump steer :D


Yeah I was thinking this, would be great if we could do this!

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Can't beat being paid for taking a dump at work. Make sure you take your time and produce a log lumber jacks would be proud of.....


Boost Chunky, can that software be used to analyse the existing settings of our Corrados and allow us to rework them for better results? It would be nice to know exactly how much to drop the tie rod / wishbone by in order to kill bump steer :D


Yeah I'm sure it could. As you can see the graphical side of ADAMS is a bit lacking. But what's important are all the hardpoints / pickup points are correct, esp in reference to each other. You'd prob need accurate spring rate data and some compression stats for the damper too, but it should be a much simpler system than this double wishbone with pushrod and bellcrank jobby!

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You should work in F1, as I do. Having made carbon wishbones for the F1 car i work on, I know how complex all the geomatry can be to get the car to handle as you want it.


Dude, ( :lol: )


what course did you do and where do you work? We got a recruitment guy from MB-HPE last week trying to get us to apply for the Benz F1 team stuff, seems they're up in Brixham in Northants.

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Also, the beauty with ADAMs is that all 17 hardpoints I used for that model can be changed really easily. You just adjust their X Y Z co-ordinates and they jump around! We had to do a tutorial on where to move the upper wishbone inner mounts and rack points to to change the camber compensation to a specific amount. Kinda fun to be able to play around with it, as it will plot graphs of everything too. How much the wheel moves, how much the camber changes as the wheel moves, etc etc etc.

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You'd prob need accurate spring rate data and some compression stats for the damper too

You should be able to get that info from any good quality suspension manufacturer. Some of which you can specify spring rates when you order anyway.

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I've been adding a sinusoidal motion to the steering rack this morning so that I can measure the bump steerage and it is a BALLACHE! taken me almost 2 hours to get right and i'm still not sure the figures are correct :/

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