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How many 'Sprinter' mags in a year

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When I joined CCGB back in June I received a March 2010 copy of the Sprinter & I havn't had one since. How often are they produced?



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one a year i think , someone will correct me if i'm wrong , does remind me though my membership needs sorting , butterfly sorted it and i have not renewed it yet :nono:

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Usually 1-3, depending on the amount of stuff the editor has got to put together (usually not a lot :( ) + how much time the editor has. Putting a magazine together takes a stupid amount of time!

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Usually speaking we try to get 2 issues a year out but it's sometimes hard to do when you have no material! the Sprinter relies solely on members sending in articles and other items of interest to keep it rolling and no matter how hard we try and drum folk up for this we seldom get things to go in.


This therefore means we the committee have to try and sort something of interest which believe me can be quite hard when you have written several articles already.


The more material we get sent in the more mags will be produced, simples ;)


We have though had some crackingly good articles in the last few issues and my heart felt thanks to all those who have contributed :notworthy:


I know though that there are still hundreds of articles awaiting the authors to put pen to paper so why not make the effort over the festive period and you could be reading your very own article in one of the next few issues :clap:


Also Jim has been wanting to stand down as editor due to many other comitments in his busy schedule so any offers to take on the challenge as the new sprinter editor would be very very welcome indeed.


I will end that the job of the sprinter editor must surely be one of the most time consuming and difficult but at the same time will return the most welcome praise from other members as i know some of you have commented highly on Jim's efforts..


A New challenge for the new year anyone????


Best Regards!


Kip :wave:

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We had got it up to 2 per year. But a complete dearth of articles, and a fairly difficult 6-8 months for me, not to mention actually trying to unsuccessfully stand down as editor has resulted in a lack of a magazine towards the end of the year as is traditional. I've said it before and I'll say it again - sorry! I'm not intentionally holding up the post.. no one else has volunteered so you wouldn't be getting a magazine anyway! And with no articles, even if we outsourced the magazine, they'd have nothing to put in the thing.


I've said it till I'm blue in the face, and previous editors always said it - the magazine only exists with your contributions. I have precisely 2 or 3 articles that people have submitted for this issue. In the last year or two, I could pretty much count on two hands who the contributors have been to the magazine for articles.. and I'm not saying to be derisory or insulting to the member base who haven't submitted anything, but just trying to be honest and explain why the issues aren't more forthcoming.


My address is at the front of the magazine, as is an email address. Please submit articles. Give me some motivation to carry on and produce the magazine! When the members aren't interested in writing articles, I find it hard to motivate myself to produce a magazine.. especially if there's nothing to put in it.


And I feel it only fair to say that, for reference, it's not that time consuming a post.. depends how much there is to do. If I've got a load of articles, I sit down in front of Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop and set to work designing some elements, and importing the articles. If I'm short on articles then I need to try and write one myself - that takes more time. Typically I just hammer it over 2 weeks of working every evening to produce the entire magazine and then the time to get it sent off to the publishers.


Honestly.. time hasn't been my problem.. it's simply been feeling fed up with my circumstances at the minute and not wanting to do it. Simple as that.

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Cheers for that Jim, see if anyone rushes forward then! He He! :grin: just wish my own pc skills could cope with it! :roll:

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I always enjoyed the Sprinter mag and have thought about submitting a piece. I've got about 1400 words of rambling about the rise and fall of my supercharged VR (no vitriol, I promise!) that I could tidy up into something coherent. What sort of length articles do you like?

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Any length. Yes please, I'm sure we would love to hear of all your trials and tribulations....

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I have no end of respect for Jim for being editor. I do our internal newsletter at work, and while there's a few people who do help with some of the tasks, articles, stories etc. usually just falls onto deaf ears when we ask for any insight... that is until there is an issue with it.


However, as I love corrado's more than my work, if there's ever any help needed feel free to call upon me! I should probably sort out my ccgb membership beforehand though... been meaning to since I got the car!

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Errr, LOL.

Though I like the sentiment.


Paypal is the easiest way, just follow the links on the CCGB site :)

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