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hot hot hot FIXED (for now)

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Right well got to work today and my driver side brake was soooo hot and it stank, so I'm wondering why? I think it might be stuck on, iv only just replaced the discs and pads and calipers which sucks a little bit, any ideas??

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Had the same with mine - definitely the caliper binding. Mine needed a replacement as it was ancient, disc was wasted too, but you may get away with a refurb if you can spend the time...

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right after getting off work i had a nose round, the piston is a bit rusty and is thus not allowing it too return after the brakes have been applied.

I managed to unseize the brakes by opening a pair of pliers between the brak pads and pushing the piston back this way but the piston is unable to move on its own :censored:


Can i take the piston out somehow and sand it so its not rusty anymore?? i need to make it more driveable before i replace the caliper as its my daily (but will hunt down a new caliper for the long term)


anyone had any luck at sanding and polishing the piston in the caliper??


any help would be lovely!

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if i pump the brake with the caliper off will that free up the piston then i can clean it up and grease it then put it back in?? just want to be sure i can put the piston back in when it comes out?

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i think you can pull it out, but you will obviously lose brake fluid.


take the pads out and push the caliper out(but not all the way), i think you can pull the rubber gaiter off to get more access to it. use some emery cloth to clean it. smear some fresh brake fluid on it and then wind it back in.

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is exactly what i did and now its working perfect again!!! SO FREAKING HAPPY!! i pushed the piston 3/4 of the way out using the hydraulic pressure then used some wet and dry to clean it all up, i must admit i used grease rather than brake fluid to lube it (not too much though) and then wound it back in using a g clamp (ghetto i know) and then took it for a test run and bobs your uncle is working alrite again! i think tommorrow i shall have a more detailed look at it but for now while its dark i think i did pretty dman good!

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