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Beware warning about speed cameras

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I'm not normally one for soap boxing and crowing about political correctness gone mad etc., but this is just ridiculous:




So basically, they've cost the public money in the court costs and wasted the court's time. Time that could be used for dealing with things that deserve attention, like I don't know, car theft or dangerous driving/speeding? Furthermore, if this gets lots of attention, everybody is going to be afraid to flash their lights and there will be more speeding leading to more accidents. How is this possibly in the public's interest?

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It's nothing to do with the public interest. It's big brother flexing his muscles and extracting even more money from the public. What about the man fined a while ago for putting rubbish in a rubbish bin. As it was a public litter bin and he put some junk mail in it he was deemed to have commited an offence and fined. This country is madder than me.

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Heard before of people getting a telling off from the police (though not been taken to court)for flashing lights to warn others of speed cameras. I dont see the problem to be honest at the end of the day the aim is to get divers to slow down. So warning them of the speed gun would do that. It does indeed look like money is the centre of the story.


The rubbish bin case if absolute madness also. :cuckoo:

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'He was fined £175 after being found guilty of wilfully obstructing a police officer in the course of her duties.'


And the police wonder why no one respects them :cuckoo: way to gain public trust..


Anyone remember this classic 'Two police officers who crashed a high-performance car seized from a suspected drink-driver could face prosecution.' Did they fu$% as like!


http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-ma ... r-11187747

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I do remeber where a court did do the decent thing once and chucked out a case that was the same as there was no evidence that any motorists had changed there speed based on the defendants actions.

I only wish more courts would do the right thing a chuck out stupid cases like this and charge the CPS for wasting there time.


Makes me angry what a shambles the UK courts :mad:

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Thats it, these cases getting to court are one thing - after all, all cases should be heard in court where authorities feel necessary. BUt its the idiotic judges who make the wrong ruling or give out stupid sentences or punishing the wrong person.

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Way to get the public on the board CPS! And the Police for pushing that one all the way to court :nono:

A stern telling off would have been adequate.


Glad to see that's where MY taxes are being spent.


And as for the Judge, fookin dumb a$$ for letting this case even waste that amount of count time. Bout this country got some Judges on board with a backbone and some common sense.

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And what exactly is this part of his fine


**********, of ******* Avenue, Grimsby, was also ordered to pay a £15 victim surcharge at the hearing at Grimsby Magistrates' Court.

What victim??

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And what exactly is this part of his fine


**********, of ******* Avenue, Grimsby, was also ordered to pay a £15 victim surcharge at the hearing at Grimsby Magistrates' Court.

What victim??


I did wonder who exactly was the victim in this case, other than the guy that tried to be friendly to other drivers and save them a few pennies, who the police have blatantly tried to make an example of. Instead they simply lowered the driving public's opinion of them even lower, this certainly aint gonna stop me warning oncoming drivers! In fact it makes me want to warn even more!


If they questioned me, the answer would be, "I thought it was my mate". No doubt they would then waste even more time proving they weren't.

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Too right^^^


Was watching the local news (look North) and they had peoples responses, mostly on the side of the driver. However some of the comments made me angry stating such things as - "he should have been minding his own business" he was trying to be helpful to others FFS! :censored: Or, "if he was speeding he deserves it" wtf, did you even listen to the story, no one said he was speeding. Idiots!

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I wouldn't like it but I'd take a £175 hit to fuck up the speed cop. I know a cop and they do it all the time as its an easy way to hit their targets and get some easy overtime. Why bother catching burglars, its difficult to prove and a lot of paperwork for them. Call me cynical, but I've been caught by a traffic cop dressed as a bush hiding around a corner.

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I wouldn't like it but I'd take a £175 hit to **** up the speed cop. I know a cop and they do it all the time as its an easy way to hit their targets and get some easy overtime. Why bother catching burglars, its difficult to prove and a lot of paperwork for them. Call me cynical, but I've been caught by a traffic cop dressed as a bush hiding around a corner.


Correct, that's the problem, motorist convictions are all too easy to process and are an easily obtainable chunk towards their targets and income.


Someone in the police needs some balls/brains to ease the burden of paperwork and shift the trend from meeting targets to solving/PREVENTING crime. If it was prevented in the first place there would be no paperwork!

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Ireland just got 600 new speed cameras (oh I mean safety cameras) ther not speed cameras there for peoples safety yea right $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :cuckoo:

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I watched a very old Jezza vid not long back and a guy in Germany set up signs just before the Police car hiding in the bushes saying, 'Please are sitting around this corner'. The Police realized this after a while and moved on not being able to do anything about it :lol:


And then we move on to England. Didn't a women have to pay a fine because a burglar who was on her roof, fell through the skylight and landed on a knife she had left on her chopping board.........IN HER OWN KITCHEN!!!! How is that her fault!!! :mad: :censored: :bad-words:


Ireland just got 600 new speed cameras (oh I mean safety cameras) ther not speed cameras there for peoples safety yea right $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :cuckoo:

In that case, take away the fine and just give them points......

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As far as I'm concerned driving in this country now is generally a paranoid affair and a test of memory as to where all the speed traps are locally. Ruined it for me really I'd prefer to have some sort of GPS based speed limiting system fitted to my car to make driving a more relaxed affair. Currently using my cruise control to stay out of trouble! T***TS!

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