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oil light and full beam flashing randomly

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when reversing my oil light or full beam light flashes and clicks its not all the time mainly after a long run when reversing onto the drive has happened once when approaching traffic lights, its just the full beam dash light and the headlights are not affected.


anyone alse had a problem like this?


cheers mort

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Do the reverse lights work?


Check the loom down by the starter motor for any chaffing damage.


I had a similar issue where engine movement had rubbed through the reverse light switch wires and created a short to positive, keeping the X relay energised when the igntion was turned off, so the engine wouldn't stop :lol:


The clue it was the reverse light loom at fault was the reverse lights didn't actually work.

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yh the reverse lights work i will check the wiring at some point when its light.


another strange point it seems to be happening when reversing and turning the wheel to the left and not the right.



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