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Carbon/Glass Fibre Boots

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Davidwort summed it up for me, IMO after looking at the tailgate I dont think the cost vs weight saving is not worth it for me. If I was going with the polycarbonate window then yes but I want to retain the glass in the car. It does looks a great product but for me there are other things I would like to look at for the moment. I think its a great idea for any track regulars when combined with the polyc windows.

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Be careful guys, your basing choice without facts. My priority list is corrosion resistant, weight saving and then finish hence my choice for the fibre glass versions. I may upgrade to full carbon fibre version closer to the time.


Don't get me wrong, its you own decission, and Im not in this for any money, just to allow for you guys to get some great gear on the rado's that will hopefully keep them going for longer and make them look better (if that's possible lol)

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Onestep, thankyou for your positive response, its much appreciated by me and the group.


davidwort, the contents of the tailgate, and that which is retained is optional to each individual. The fact remains, however, that carbon fibre is radically lighter than steel, ergo even when retrimmed to individual specification it will offer a significant weight reduction from the original item. Nobody is suggesting that this component allone will make the Corrado significantly lighter. This component is for those who are incorporating it into a package of weight saving fearures, which as a whole will vastly improve the power to weight ratio. Others will choose this component because of its niche bespoke design qualities, and the visual impact of carbon fibre in its own right as a material with distinctive connections to motorsport and Supercar construction. Other than casting doubt upon the validity product, by making an out of context observation, forgive me but i fail to see how you are making any valid contribution to this process.

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I'm not trying to put anyone off or anything I just remember how light the stripped tailgate was, unfortunately I took it to the tip but I remember lifting it easily with one hand, the bonnet on the other hand weighs loads in comparison, but you would save a lot of weight with a cf tailgate and stripped internals. Just weighed the tailgate glass, it's 8.7 kg :shocked!:

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General call to all those on the list, to ask for a response regarding personal requirements for their tailgate orders. Would be good to know what you want from Performance Trim, so we can get deposits paid and production in progress. I for one would like to think that we could have these components made and fitted before the season ends. Three of us so far have responded and Sam has indicated this against those names respectively. Looking forward to seeing this thread getting a move on now, in theory there is no reason now why we can't get a production slot with Mike.

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Well, I am overwelmed by everyones energy on this.


I guesse these arent as popular as I thought they would be. Really disappointed we couldnt get it off the ground. I'm not prepared to badger people to get them to buy these so I'm going to have to pull the plug. Anyone is welcome to try and continue to get these started, but good luck.


Sorry to those of you who were serious about this.

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I tried doing a group buy for the bonnets lots of interest until you want them to cough up the money.

I still really want a full carbon one cant he do something for the 4 of us.

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sorry but it will take £4500 for them to kick things off, sad thing is I dont think these will ever be made. A huge loss to the Corrado especially when good solid steel versions are becoming very hard to source.

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A very dissapointing result, and a lost opportunity. Thanks to you Sam for the effort you made, and to those who entered this proposal with sincerity. I am allways ammused by the wannabes that put their names down for such exercises but lack the self honesty and committment to make good. It would be a far better thing to have a proposal fall short at the first point of asking, rather than letting folks raise their hopes in vain.

Stool on the bright side I know have £300 to add to my Corrado slush fund :-)


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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