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Is my clutch on the way out?

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Just got myself a corrado vr6 but am not sure if the clutch is on the way out. All the gears operate but the car judders when I reverse it up the hill on my drive. Is this a symptom of the clutch needing replaced and if so what sort of damage am I looking at?





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Sounds like it could be an engine mount to be honest. Test for clutch is low speed and high gear. Put your foot down in 5th at 30mph. If the revs go up and the speedo doesnt, you need a clutch :D

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Could be the clutch, could be a new clutch on an old flywheel, could be engine or gearbox mounts as well. Could be that you're just really, really excited?

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i have a hill drive too that i have to reverse up and in the morning i've noticed many a car judder when reversing up it, my dads new audi did it and we had some audi technicians out to look at it and the drive :lol:


my escort does it, am sure i got it in the corrado too and its usually only the morning reverse it happens


i can't remember what the audi men said about it, might of been something about our drive being damp and the moisture causing it, we live down a hill and near a river

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