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temp sender questions

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ok i bought three new senders from tps , when i went to fit them i realised i had one with a two pin plug and the other two had four pins . my 92 vr has the black plug as a two pin , the middle one is a two pin and the yellow is a four pin . i rang tps and he said the computer is showing my set up as a different car . spoke to mattvr on here his is the same as mine . tps said take out the sender and let us have the part number, but there is no number on them ?. there are part numbers on the plugs but tps said they are not the ones they need . can someone help me out here ? thanks and kind regards rob .

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can't answer fully rob, except to say that the actual sensos colours and i think the pin numbers changed between early and late vr's due to fan speed, have a look at dinkus's first post on the 'definitive VR cooling thread' as that runs through the changes.

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