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What should I do? The photographer damaged my paintwork

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Well, after I had the c professionally detailed and just getting the car how I wanted since all the work was completed and after having a couple of minor faults rectified at the paint shop last week the car was looking superb.


My gf said that her friend that is a professional photographer and would take some nice pictures for me as my basic camera died and I ve been posting pics with my poor quality Iphone camera.


So the plan was for the photographer to arrive in the morning and we could take a drive out somewhere and get some smart shots but the weather wasn't great, overcast etc so I said to the gf, look, I had some pics taken by my friend Kev yesterday, even thought the weather wasn't very sunny but they were taken just after the detail and I wanted the professional guy to come on a day where it was really sunny so paint work could stand out.


So she got grumpy with me as she had arrange it all, but I said, please tell him that I am sorry, but I really want to wait for a nice sunny day, blue clear skys etc. Just before I left I said have you called him yet and she replied saying he had already left but I told him we would do it another time but he was just going to pop over to see where I lived as he didnt know the area for next time.


I then had to leave, promised to help 3 friends with taking stuff to the tip in my van, all for free, just to help them get some garden space back, most of them have kids so I was happy to be helping them out and looking forward to coming home, installing the sub and amp etc. I arrived home, looked at the car admiring the silky paint and I see what looks to be a couple of very small bird like poo marks on the off side rear arch. On closer inspection they were not poo marks and indeed missing paint revealing the primer. It was like something had swung onto it.


I was then really angry and instantly called the gf and said, '' My car is damaged, where r u'' and did the camera man enter the driveway and get close to my car?!

She arrives back shortly after my call and I showed her the chips, plus there are a few tiny dents but just in the paint, not the metal.

I knew when I left the car this morning it was perfect.


My feeling was that the camera man came, took some pics and either damaged the paint with his jacket or clothing or the tri pod or something. So I said to the gf, where was he standing, what was he doing, etc etc and she said he took his long jacket off and put it down on the driveway but I did hear something but thought it was his keys in his pocket landling on the ground.


So my feelings were spot on so I said to her, call him up and see if he admits it, obviously still angrey that the gf didnt listen to me in the first place, plus moved my car to reposition it on the driveway.


So, the photographer was doing it for free to start with, if Barbara had told him what I said none of this would have happened. This guy should have been more careful, most of all!


I am not sure if building up the paint and adding a bit of lacquer then a mop over will work of if the complete rear panel will need doing as I can't see how you would get a soft edge or how you can marry the surfaces into the rest of the paintwork, the panel goes from the rear of the car to the roof along to the A pillars and if I want it to be perfect, will that all need re doing, rear quarter window out the lot!


They are really really small chips but 5 in total. Its not like a big dent or anything but I am quite gutted. What do I do? He's suggesting he comes round and speaks to me face to face. He added that it might have been him when he took his jacket off...... which means he knew he ****ing did it.


I will take the car over to Andy who painted it for me and see what he says first. The gf has been really upset today with her self. She often tries to help but it always seems to end up going wrong. I know there are other things in life to be sad about but after finally getting her right its just left me feeling really dissapointed.

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Not great pic but you can see the chips but notthe iny little paint dents, you have to get really close to see them. But where the paint is so immaculate, anything stands out, however small!!


P.S I will send out that ram air kit, I baged it up today and just need to get a box and get it sent off.

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I can see why your annoyed but after driving the car for a couple of hundred miles and it will just get stone chipped as bad. Its going to happen at some point.

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A good body shop should be able to touch in and mop it, without any issues.


Regarding the damage, seeing as he's doing it for free I see now reason why the work he's doing shouldn't restore the balance. Bearing in mind that as said before, once you start driving it, the car will pick up small blemishes.


You should see mine. I've covered a couple of hundred miles since the paint and it has to go back for a few corrections already.


Best of luck with what you decide.

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