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It pains me every time I see a straight Corrado being broken up for parts. Not because I'm any more passionate about them than anyone else on here, but because they're usually tidier than mine!

I understand that good spares are needed to keep others running but it seems a little irresponsible to take good examples of a fairly rare car and break it because the owner can get more money that way. If you run an old (compared to most vehicles on the road) car then spending money goes with the territory. There isn't a inexhaustible supply of Corrados, one day alot of people will be kicking themselves.


I'm not suggesting that everyone does it my way, I bought a rough unroadworthy car and rebuilt most of the running gear on my driveway. It stands me at about £1000 all in not counting (alot of) time and tools. It dosen't make financial sense because I've ended up with a tatty looking 120k mile 16v which I'm still repairing every other week. But on the other hand I have a car I can take pride in and one which has given me the most fun I've ever had with front wheel drive.


I realise alot people don't have the time and space, mechanical know how ect. to tit about with projects but these cars I see being broken aren't projects. They're are aging, well used vehicles which need maintenance and tinkering with. It just seems a waste sometimes.

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Mine is worth more in parts, paint work is rough so put people off.


With a kid and a house move coming fast it made sense.


Plus if i keep a couple if others on the road in the process then im happy.


Fuel prices are having a massive affect on resale value of all performance cars now, not quite as black and white as you paint the picture for me.

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Yeah it`s sad most people seem to think they are worth more in parts


It's a cold hard fact matey. You will always make more money off a Corrado selling it as parts unless you paid thousand and thousands for it.

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There's been (IMO) a drop in the average values of Corrados in recent times which means to break gains the owner more money than to sell as a complete car.

This coupled with people who now find it not possible to complete their project will more likely opt break rather than to sell on.

Lastly, parts in general are getting harder to buy new for corrados so secondhand parts are now only option.

I could be wrong but I think there is something to the points above. It is a shame but hopefully times will change.

Edited by Mike2006

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The ones that are in impeccable condition continue to command strong prices from what I can see. But the ones that aren't continue to slide towards the £1000 to £2000 mark. The VR6 and G60 are still wanted usually if they are unmodified or in immaculate condition. But the ones that aren't seem to struggle to find a buyer...


...and let's be honest. Even I've had to gawk at the state of some Corrados I've seen at shows, some of with should have been broken years before anyway. No point delaying the inevitable if it's good poor bodywork, full of rust or just generally poorly maintained.

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Always going to be broken no matter how old or expensive they get - it's just a question of demand and right now we are at the lowest point in the value of the car - just look at the way mk 2 prices have risen over the last couple of years whilst availability has dropped.


I remember Goldie picking up a good oak green mk 2 valver at scene 38 in '07 or '08 for £1000, try finding one for that price now!

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