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Bournemouth James

Integra type r vs corrado vr6

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I woulnd't personally touch Quaife with a sh1tty stick.


but I can get Peloquins for around £500, including bearings and ring gear bolts

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Hammered a Teg in my VR- he was tailgaiting all the traffic in front at a bout 70mph, kept my distance until road was clear in front of him, then went for it. He was so annoyed that he couldn't get away- refused to move over and started throwing rubbish out of the window at me! :mad:


Eventually overtook and left him miles behind :twisted: :D


By the way, my VTI-S has a LSD and strut braces as standard 8) :D

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Would definitely echo what's already been said, I test drove a 98 'Teg about a month ago. Fantastic car to drive, would love to own one, but the VR6 is by far the easier car to live with. Those times when you just want the car to get you home with the minimum of hassle - that's when the VR6 is the only car you'd want.


The Integra just seems like a much harder car to get the performance out of, you do seem to have to work it a lot harder. Saying that, the sound when you do is superb :twisted:


For a trackday car, or as a second car I'd love to have an Integra, but for a daily driver I'll be sticking with the VR for a wee while yet :)



'93 Aqua blue VR6

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Phat what's wrong with Quaife? Is it the product or the customer relations?


I asked then to make me and 02C fitment diff (vr6 syncro), I even said I'd supply all the parts so they can measure off them, and the whole gearbox so they could get it right, and explained that all I needed was a slight alteration to the diff casing, it needed extending and a few splines machining in. Now, this is after I'd already bought an 02A diff off them (which they wouldn't take back either). They said they wouldn't do it as they don't get enough enquireis about rally and vr6 syncro diffs, to which I replied "but you would if it was in your catalogue". they said they weren't interested.


so, I sold the unused quaife diff fr a £100 loss, and spnet £750 on a Peloquin one from the states.


A few months later, quaife started making them for the 02c.......w4nkers, wouldn't touch them again.


In fact, I'm highly offended when anyone suggests I have a quaife gearbox.


shame that Peloquin can't sell his diffs direct to the UK due to patent laws (which Quife america forgot to take out over ther, bwahahaha).


in contract, I spoke to Gary peloquin drectly, he ensured my diff whas exactly what I needed, supplied it with ring gear bolts, bearings and a speedo gear, and even rang me on my mobile, all the was from the states, to let me know how my order was going.


I can honestly say it's the best thing I've ever boughy for the car, and apart from my bank cocking up my international bankers draft, the whole order process was faultless.

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