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Crashed my Corrado!!

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b4stard weather.


2" of snow with ice underneath + ABS + tequila induced Hangover =


brick wall 1 :p


corrado 0 :cry:




I was lucky though, it was very low speed, and despite heading directly for the gate post for what seemed like an eternity, I decided to let go of the poxy juddery brake pedal (I hate ABS, I'm going to turn it off) and the car darted to the right, scuffing the side of the bumper and taking the paint off the front outermost edge of the front wheelarch (which had been scraped before and touched in before I bought the car so it needed paint anyway :lol: ).


phew! lucky escape there! :?

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For a minute then I thought you might have given yourself the perfect excuse to take it off the road for the upgrade :wink:

Glad no ones hurt.

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poxy juddery brake pedal (I hate ABS, I'm going to turn it off) and the car darted to the right


I've had the same thing hapen to me m8! :( luckily i didnt crash but ABS definitely doesnt help in snow! :x

Hope you get it sorted soon :)

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good news that the damage was only minor, and that you weren't hurt, so chin up mate :)

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:( Sorry to hear that mate, but like you say could have been worse! Ideal opportunity to get those arches pulled/flared out and stick some beefy wheels on........ 8) :wink: :mrgreen:

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hmm, pulled arches...never thought about that one!


I'm so glad I had "normal" and not stretched tyres on ,otherwise I'd have wrecked a wheel.


the trye took most of it I reckon, it's knocked my tracking out.

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That's bad crack mate - hope you get it sorted soon. I ended up fish-tailing down the hill at then end of my road last week as it was icy then broke super early at the bottom of the hill for the junction and still ended up sliding out into the middle of the road! Nightmare - hate this weather. Roll on summer.

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Have you got the 4WD fitted yet Paul? If not - better get to it.

Otherwise you may have to give up the tequila! :roll:



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Haven't even fitted the VR6, let alone the 4WD!


Giving up the booze sounds like a better idea...

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Not good.....nearly slid into a verge on Thursday night myself. The ABS actually did it's job of preventing a front ender in my case, I'm pleased to say.



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Don't let chipping your nail varnish give you the excuse not to fulfill the promises of your signature!


What I did was a crash not that girly squiggle! Get the spanners out and fit that sh1t you got lying around in the garage!


Jees! Hate to think what you'll do with a proper engine in(VR6), you're gonna' kill yourself!!!!


Give it a cuddle & get it shiny for Inters!!!


Good luck :wink:






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Had similar fun a couple of weeks ago in mine.

Down hill, in the snow and ice, and someone at the end of a row of parked cars not leaving me enough room to get through (*cough* woman *cough*) so I had to stop.

Easier said than done.

Was doing about 15mph. Foot on brake - nothing. Still going down the hill, parked cars either side of the road and one at the end of the road - in the sodding way. So, yank with the handbrake. Hmmm. My left-rear caliper doesn't wanna work, locking my right rear wheel and spinning the car 90 degrees.

Now heading down the hill sideways, parked cars about 1/2 metre in front and behind me.

Slid to a stop with about 10cm before hitting a parked car in front of the car, and about a metre from this woman - who was still sat there (nothing behind her, or either side of her).

Slow 5 point turn later and back down the road. Whizzed the window down and stopped by the woman who looked shocked. I said "Bit slippey up there!" 8)

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I've done mine 2 :(


I've been ill the last week, at the weekend I was off down the doc's (not feeling great - which was probably why it happened), I was moving the car in to a good position to get off of the drive ok & my bloody foot slipped off the clutch & jolted the car forwad & it just touched the wall :oops: :( :cry: I was very lucky, it's left a few small marks. The bumper could of done with painting anyway - it's just brough it right forward now :roll: All I needed! :x

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