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Sales rant !!!!!!

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I've got to get this of my chest!

A few weeks ago a new member on here put up a want advert for some m3 style rear lights, I contacted the member saying i'd sell him mine once i'd got my all reds rears done.

So on the 14th June I contacted the member to say I was in a position now to sell the m3 style lights to him, and later that afternoon payment was sent to me!

Anyway i've had a grim few days due to work and a family matter so never got to come on here or online.

Today things are a bit more normal and I turn the pc on to find several messages from the buyer which is fare enough, but the guy has only gone and raised a paypal dispute this morning because he hasn't received the lights yet!!

As it happens I haven't managed to get them posted, but they are here boxed up all ready to go!

How impatient are some people, normally going on I wouldn't have known i'd received the payment untill I got home from work which is normally around 6ish so it wouldn't have made the post that day anyway!

Plus how quick do people think the postal service is in this country, if for some strange reason i'd have managed to have got them posted on the 14th being i'd probably be sending them by standard parcels anyway.

Am I going nuts or is it unreasonable to wait a few days for goods to arrive especially when it from a private seller rather than a business?




Rant over!!

Edited by ANDREW 30

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im having the opposite bud.. sold 2 items through ebay and buyers arn't paying up.. keep sending reminders and hoping not to have to file a dispute.

Anyway today I decided it's now been a month and enough is enough. However you have to open a dispute within 32 days. Today is day 33.


You cant even leave bad feedback for a non paying bidder!

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On the one hand it's good to keep buyers informed if you can (and sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances it's not possible), BUT...


Two days is completely unreasonable to give up on someone though

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im having the opposite bud.. sold 2 items through ebay and buyers arn't paying up.. keep sending reminders and hoping not to have to file a dispute.

Anyway today I decided it's now been a month and enough is enough. However you have to open a dispute within 32 days. Today is day 33.


You cant even leave bad feedback for a non paying bidder!

I don't think i'd be patient enough to wait over a month for payment once a deal is struck, but on the other hand it's hardly crime of the century not getting something posted in 2 days either!

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Unless you said your sending them out that day i wouldn't expect them for a couple of days. So at the earliest today.


From hat you've said just sounds like they are a bit impatient. Surely paypal will see that payment was only made 2 days ago so its a bit early to raise a complaint.

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Yeah i'm quite surprised paypal would allow a dispute to be raised after less than 2 days, but they have and the money has been frozen in my paypal account!

I had planned on sending the item yesterday, but due to circumstances beyond my control it did'nt happen and knowing what I do now I think i'm kind of glad as the money would still probably end up being taken plus i'd be less the set of lights!

Looks like they'll be going on ebay at the weekend now, as I won't be sending them now thats for sure.

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im having the opposite bud.. sold 2 items through ebay and buyers arn't paying up.. keep sending reminders and hoping not to have to file a dispute.

Anyway today I decided it's now been a month and enough is enough. However you have to open a dispute within 32 days. Today is day 33.


You cant even leave bad feedback for a non paying bidder!


some ass messed me about on ebay when I sold my phone and he left me bad feedback!!! how is that even possible he never paid me

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Fraid to say that in today's instant society you as a private individual also have to react in an instant time and manner. Just like you would yourself when you buy something from soneone else.


Not everyone may be like that, but more and more people are. Think about it that way.


Yes, it would have also been good customer service to keep the buyer informed, no matter what. Once you have accepted a deal, you have to follow it up,. That also applies to private sales.


I know I didn't make myself necessarily very popular with all of this, but dealing with customers on a daily basis, you get accustomed to today's MTV / 5 second attention span society. If I have to offer this, then I can also expect this in returrn :)


Just my view.



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