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why am i never happy with my vr ?

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Im just to ocd with it thats why!. seriously thinking that when the winter sets in and she will be sorn as usual, that i should strip her down and do a full rebuild. The body is mint as she had a full respray last year. But the interior is looking tired and needs respraying inc the leather.Then theres the underside which i want to have all the metal parts cleaned and powdercoated. Next is the engine ,the head only has 40k on it but the bottom end has 174k . She still runs great and is very quick but has a few oil leaks, a new bottom end would be nice , then spray the bay and tidy the wires. I think that by doing the respray and then wanting to do this work i have gone about it arse about face !. The main problem is finding somewhere to do all the work. That and i will be itchin to drive it in the summer and wont be able to !. I spose i realy want to build it from the ground up ,so take the shell off and start again . Will be looking through the members rides to see how to go about it the proper way . regards rob

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Just enjoy it, try and keep it in good order and improve it when necessary. Your plan sounds like a whole lot of time and money and unlikely to make the car worth much more and you'll end up being too precious with it to enjoy it.

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yea i know what you mean i will end up being a trailer queen lol. I was not doing it for the cars worth though ,they are only worth what someone wants to pay for it after all. Its just me i hate niggles and leaks n scuffs they drive me mad. got a tax rebate coming soon so that will take care of the oil leaks.

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