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Breaking a Corrado - how much do you recoup?

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Following events of today that are getting me down currently, how much could you hope to recoup from a 93 VR6 on around 100000miles with next to no body damage if you were to break it, anyone who has done so previously how much did you make and how much effort is it?



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Its all relative to what your car is worth complete. Around £1500 or below value for car seems to bring breaking into favourable consideration but spec and condition dependant you can make considerably more with rare and/or sought after parts.

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Costs to consider are:

-Dry car storage while you break (you can break in about 2 weeks if you put some decent part-time hours in to it). If you break outside, then factor in losses from water damage to parts.

-Inside storage of parts - you'll probably need a large-size room on top of your car storage space to move parts into while you break. If you don't have enough room, factor in losses due to damage to parts while in storage.

-Hire of equipment (e.g. engine lifts)

-Losses due to dishonest buyers or heavy handed/careless mail companies (refunds)



The biggest thing you'll lose is time - not time breaking the car as this is *relatively* simple, but time trying to sell the parts, and maintaining ads on here, ebay and other forums. All the 'good' stuff will sell itself in a couple of months, but you'll be left with loads of parts at the end that no-one wants.


Your perception of what a part is worth, especially if you have high standards, is usually a lot less than someone is willing to pay. You're also relying on the fact that there is someone out there looking for the parts you are trying to sell, which with quite a rare car, isn't always the case. You may have to wait 1-2 years to shift some parts.

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Very true 'tony'.


My brother broke a Mk2 Golf 16v 4yrs ago and still has a few bits - Non PAS rack etc, things that are to expensive to post and only people local would travel for.


Alot of the parts were used up on my own 16v and local friends when their stuff broke. I think he made about £500 from a car that would never see the road again.


The pikeys made a bit of money as well stealing parts iirc radiator, cross member haha

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