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Big Adam

Why wont my door open?

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my drivers dorr handle no longer opens the door and the passenger is goin the same way




it dont catch on the upper lip wich is slightly bent (as if it was broke!)


question is, how do i fix it?

i know the striker pin is quite a common fault!

would passat handles solve the problem?

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Was the body of the handle loose? Do you still have the screw present in the door shut area?


Also looks like you have a white clip missing off the door skin.

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-it was loose in the hole and struggled to open it but now it wont open at all.

-iv took the screw out to look and so i can open the door


it kind of "rattles around in the hole" if that makes any sense!

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Ok, first you need to get hold of a new clip, they're still available form the dealer and are pennies.


Check that the striker arm is still intact.

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