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Replacing driver's door...can anyone help?

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I have a replacement door to fit to the car soon and was hoping someone who's done this might be able to offer some advice.

I've had a search on this and can find bits and pieces but just have a few questions....

It's a bare door, so will need to transfer over the window mech/glass, handle and locking mech.

I was planning on removing the old door with everything inside (window down), fitting the new door bare and then transfering everything into the new door. Is this the most sensible way to do it?


My main concerns are the window mechanism and glass, (I know I have to drill out the rivets to get this off, but wanted to re-fit with bolts if possible?) and the alignment of the new door as I've heard there can be problems.


Am ok with the other bits as have done plenty with door handles/locks and wiring.


I was hoping I could do this all within 2-3 hours, not including swearing and tea drinking. Does that sound realistic?





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It may well take longer, the window motor mounts have rivets to drill out and can only really be refitted with big rivets, loom can be a pita too, plugs can be a struggle to get through door leading edge, I'm not sure It's easier off the car as fitted it is nicely supported for working on. I'd probably fit the new bare door so you have a door on and can then work on the various bits but still use the car

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Are the doors easy to change? alignment etc?


yep, just the bare door is pretty easy, although heavy, so handy to get someone to support it while you remove hinge bolts.

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