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Esso fuel problem

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Went to work today morning and stoped at the local esso petrol station, put in 20 liters of unleaded. 10 seconds out, my vr starts to back fire and sputter. I managed to limp it back to work....

Had a look at it and I was shure there was fuel contamination, emptyed the tank and put fresh fuel in (not esso)... Started the car and it sounded better but still miss firing and back firing, went for a road test and very quickly I filled up the street with blue smoke and smell of petrol.....

In the end at least 1 injector is gone (over fuelling).

Got a sample of the fuel ready to call esso costumer service.

Has this happened to anyone? What kind of contamination ruins the injectors? (water)

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Blue smoke = burning oil, unlikely to be a fuel issue, somethings happened in the engine, stem seals, gasket or rings have failed. What engine is it? Check the plugs and see what they look like -are any coated in oil?

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It looked blueish lol... Spark plugs are ok apart from one that was wet with fuel and on top of the piston was a lot of fuel...

I have taken all the plugs and cranked the engine and alot of fuel was blowing out of the same cylinder, thats why im thinking the injector is gone...


Its very odd for the rings or steam seals to be in fault... Ive rebuild the engine 5 years ago with new pistons and everything, steam seals and valve guides were done about 2 years ago.

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i'm off track if its already had a rebuild, i have just removed 6 injectors from mine and am breaking the car, can send you a couple if you want a cheap option to check out what it is?



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Yes it was rebuilt.... I done it myself.

Just finished now, replaced one injector and replaced the fuel filter... All good now.


I had a set of injectors laying in the garage

Thanks alot anyway

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