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Chip & pulley from PD Motorsport

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:D :D :D :D :D


What can i say :D I fitted a 68mm pulley and tuned chip from PD Motorsport and still cannot get the smile of my face :D The car now performs like it looks...PURPOSEFUL!!!


Accelerate and when you hit about 2500rpm you are stuffed into your seat :D :D :D


Fitting wasn't to bad either. Took about an hour but could proberbly do it half that now.


Really recommend this mod.

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Sorry LowG, I only get access to the forum at work.


Its not to bad.


Remove the mesh cover from over the heater fan (a clip nearest the wing)


This will give you access to the 10mm nut that secures the ECU. Undo it.


Remove the vaccum hose to the ECU


Undo the small positive screw that holds the cable connector and unplug connector


You can remove the ECU (you have to wiggle it about a bit)


Undo the three posi screws that hold the mounting plate to the ECU and remove plate


Using a small star screw driver remove the four screws from the end with the fins and the two screws on the other end, where the cable plugged in.


You can now slide the inside of the ECU out.


Remove the plastic surround (just unclips)


You now need to get acces to inside the silver metal part of the ECU. This is where the chip is. Remove the two star screws and pull the two plastic retaining plugs out. Now squeeze where the plastic plugs went into. This will then allow you to lift the metal box through 90 degrees.


On the underside of the metal container unscrew the four star screws. Remove the cover and you will now be able to see the chip.


To remove the chip slide a plain screw driver under the chip and ease the prongs out (BE GENTLE!!!)


Refitting is as above but reversed.


I should note here that Darren from PD Motorsport talked me through it. Very helpful bloke :thumbleft:

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As far as I was aware the whole reason for using a 3.5bar is to lessen the stress on the injectors and maintian a healthy A/F ratio. G60's using 68mm pulleys will cause their injectors to go full duty cycle before 6k rpm on a standard FPR!!

My car regularly goes to 6500rpm so fuelling wouldn`t be sufficient with the std fpr.

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As far as i'm aware chips are developed to suit different stages of tuning. The chip that I have was developed for a 68mm pulley with the standard FPR.


They're several different chips available from different suppliers and most of the suppliers I spoke to sold chip and pulley solutions (68mm) without the 3.5 FPR.


Are they wrong???

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funky, I got the chip, 68mm pulley and a shorter belt (didn't really what to just adjust my tensioner and my belt needed changing anyway :wink: ) for £130 :D :D :D

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They're several different chips available from different suppliers and most of the suppliers I spoke to sold chip and pulley solutions (68mm) without the 3.5 FPR.


Are they wrong???



Thats because most suppliers haven't taken the time to do some serious development work on the G60's. By using the standard FPR, the injectors will reach full duty cycle by 6k and the power delivery will not be as aggressive as is possible when the map is optimised for a 3.5bar FPR.


Even if you "bolt on" a 3.5bar FPR to one of these chips, you wont gain anything since the map was written for the standard pressure. :?

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bazgreener: there isn't any benefit to taking the G60 to over 6k.. the power drops off at 6k. with that small a pulley all you're doing to putting undue stress on the charger. once you reach 6k, shift to the next gear and it pulls harder than taking it past 6k.


correct me if i'm wrong guys..but i thought this was widely known..


i'm not saying the 3.5bar is not necessary.. i agree with everything dubcharged just said. you don't want to lean out just as your engine is spinning as fast as it goes!


..i've been told by guys with as many years of corrado experience as there's been corrados....don't take it past 5500 too regularily. never past 6200. let alone 6500! (and they were talking about stock pulley)


just mho... correct me if i'm wrong. i'd bawl like a baby if i blew the charger..just tryin to prevent that for someone else. :)


what do you guys think, dubcharged, sam.. darren.. whoever?

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Thats true the head stops flowing past 6k, however if the power curve drops off with less magnitude than the power curve rises to 6k, then it would be beneficial in terms of eg 0-100 time to pull the car to 6.3k rpm. If you shift past 6k, you're higher up the power curve in the next gear.


Best thing would be to time a quarter mile by shifting at 6k, then at 6.5k.


The need for the 3.5bar FPR and matched chip isn't just for after 6k, its for the complete range since more aggression can be extracted from the motor, especially in the mid-range. It should be stonking from 4.5k upwards to 6k.


Again, they way your car responds to taking it over 5k depends on the map used. I wouldn't advise you to go over 6k with a map made for the standard FPR, i wouldnt even be comfortable taking it over 5.5k since those injectors would be having a hard time coping. Save those pistons :(

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My car has always felt very revvy even with the std pulley, with the SNS chip in i`m sure it would pull past 6500 if I let it! :shock: There is still plenty of pull left in the old girl at 6500. If the charger goes pop I will sulk for a bit and stick a 20v in there :)

May have to put my performance meter in there and check the 0-100 times with the different rev limits

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"The need for the FPR isn't just for after 6k, its for the complete range since more aggression can be extracted from the motor, especially in the mid-range. It should be stonking from 4.5k upwards to 6k."


well put.


thanks for clearing all that up.. good point about being higher up in revs in the next gear after a shift at 6.5k.. still not worth spinning the G-lader that fast imho.


i mean.. if you've got your charger rebuilt pretty beefy and you're not worried, rev the hell out of it! ..but i don't like grenades.



dubcharged: would the head flow well past 6k if it was ported? with a beefed up charger and a ported head how high can you take the revs safely? ..say.... with a 65mm or 68mm pulley and proper fueling?

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..glad to hear that about the SNS chip bazgreener. i haven't had the fortune of experiencing one yet.. but i hope to soon.

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Dubcharged, What kind of torque and bhp do your chips produce? Have you got any dyno readouts?

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Well, with a cam and ported head you might get flow up to 6.2k. Depends on the amount of work done, i'm not one for flowing the 8v head, but a cam would be a good add on. As far as i'm concerned its all about Mid to top, not just top end.


With a 68mm pulley, the charger can be taken to 6.5k engine rpm and it will remain within its design limits. Obviously age and condition plays a part, a ported charger is more reliable since internal pressure is relieved.


Stick with the 68mm and with proper fuelling you'll be surprised at the response!

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Leew: Power figures vary from car to car. There's a dyno on the US SNS site http://www.snstuning.com/chiptuning.htm


Bare in mind the figures at At the Wheels. Also this is from the older generation Stage 4 chips, we've moved on from there. :D


Should have some new dyno's from a few G60's soon. As i've said before, its not just peak power thats important, its the delivery and response which is equally if not more important. :p

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well.. i'm sitting with a cam, 65mm pulley, 3.0bar fpr, isv reroute, and a chip that i have no clue about.. and its doubtful there have been any engine mods.


planning on going with your st 5 and 3.5bar when i get the car out in a month or more.


my concern is the charger.. not sure exactly when it was last rebuilt. only know it was within 3-5 years ago.. but the car has only seen maybe 10,000km in the past year and a half so....


i want to rebuild, port and port dual intakes.. but don't have the funds atm. if i went with the st 5 right now... then had the charger mods done later.. i would need to have the chip remapped, correct? would the cost be lower for an sns chip mapped to my car if i already purchased the st 5 and wanted a remap?



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oooh, you're using a 65 with a chip you don't know much about!! You're a brave man :shock:


Whats your peak boost at the mo?


You're correct about the remap, it would be just an upgrade fee if you already have the Stage 5. You can get an SNS chip from Kompressor Kanada up there in your neighbourhood :D

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see what i mean about being wary of revin past 5500??!!


thats why i want to get the chip out and an sns in so i know what i'm workin with.


peak boost is 12psi.. and it pushes to 13psi if i run hard through a gear then hard to the top of the next. this is at ~6000rpm mind you...blown apex strip on the top, leaky silencer box and a dirty ic.. other than the ic, i'll fix those problems when i have the rebuild done. going to take the ic off and clean it soon.


plannin on going to kk for the rebuild and the remap when the time comes. its about 6 hours away from me. just hopin the charger holds out until i can afford it. who knows... maybe its just got a couple blown strips and its sound other than that.


i should be getting around 17-18psi i imagine?

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A 65 should be giving you at least 14psi. Just take a nice relaxed cruise to KK, maybe stick a bigger pulley on it first? Those guys are good at their game. :D

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