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Sideways Steve

Where does your temp gauge needle sit ?

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Thank you for the explanations and own car comparrisions.


So can these items be diagnostly checked, so you only replace the item required or is it a matter of replace one, if not fixed, replace the other as well.


I do need to check back through my Service History as I think the thermostat was replaced- probably about 2 years ago - can this go that quickly again ?

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I have an infrared gun type thermometer, point a little laser beam at something and it reads the temp, very handy for this sort of diagnosis, I'll bring it with me to any AGM/meets this year.

It's great for pointing at the area sensors sit in, section of the radiator or pipework, really helps to find blockages or flow problems.

If nothing else it helps work out if you gauge is fibbing sometimes, old corrado wiring isn't the best :)


A brand new stat can stick, for the hassle I tend to check the operation of them in a pan of water on the hob before fitting, even genuine vag ones have had dodgy batches in the past and they all vary slightly in opening and closing temps.

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I've had a MK2 8v, a MK2 16v and now the VR6... and all have them have run a little cool on a run (about 80 degrees).


All of them had a new genuine VW thermostat fitted and it made little difference.


The MK2 16v sits at 80 degrees and rises up to about 100-110 in traffic, but no further (oil temp rises to about 112, though I did see 120 when I first got it)


The VR6 is a weird one - I have replaced the thermostat (genuine VW), rad fan thermostat (genuine VW), radiator (genuine VW), water pump, crack pipe and thermostat housing and flushed the coolant a few times and it still sits at 80 deg under normal driving, and rises to 100 in traffic. Oil temp is normally 94-98 degrees, though I got it up to 116 once when I REALLY thrashed it.

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Ive just changed my thermostat and my temp sensor, now my temperature is reading 7/8ths of the way up the gauge and the temp light is flashing. The fan kicks in about a minute after the temperature warning light begins to flash. However the oil temperature is only at 102, I have also noticed that the original sensor read from 0-120 where as the new one reads from 0-125. According to VW the 2.0ltr 16v requires the 0-125 sensor yet its telling me the engines overheating when theres nothing else to suggest it is. Any suggestions?



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When I ground the coolant temp sensor it triggers the warning, whether thats a fail safe for if the coolant level sensor fails or not I don't know.

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Hmmm not sure I know it's a level warning as my rad blew a hole lost my coolant light came on engine temp was fine (gauge and oil temp) it rose obviously in traffic . Got home found I had no coolant hence the light . Sorry I'm not much help

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